Module type Signatures.STRING

module type STRING = sig .. end

val print : Format.formatter -> string -> unit
val chomp : string -> string
val before : string -> int -> string
before s n returns the substring of all characters of s that precede position n (excluding the character at position n). This is the same function as Str.string_before.
val after : string -> int -> string
after s n returns the substring of all characters of s that follow position n (including the character at position n). This is the same function as Str.string_after.
val first_chars : string -> int -> string
first_chars s n returns the first n characters of s. This is the same function as Signatures.STRING.before ant Str.first_chars.
val last_chars : string -> int -> string
last_chars s n returns the last n characters of s. This is the same function as Str.last_chars.
val eq_sub_strings : string -> int -> string -> int -> int -> bool
val is_prefix : string -> string -> bool
is_prefix u v is u a prefix of v ?

is_suffix u v : is v a suffix of u ?

val is_suffix : string -> string -> bool
val contains_string : string -> int -> string -> int option
contains_string s1 p2 s2 Search in s1 starting from p1 if it contains the s2 string. Returns Some position where position is the begining of the string s2 in s1, None otherwise.
val subst : string -> string -> string -> string
subst patt repl text
val tr : char -> char -> string -> string
tr patt repl text
val rev : string -> string
val implode : char list -> string
val explode : string -> char list
include Std_signatures.STRING
The following are original functions from the String module.