fun-universe: Tracking space and time through a restricted universe

Nicolas Pouillard and Daniel Gustafsson (ITU, IT University of Copenhagen)

2012-10-08, AIM16 in Copenhagen


Formalizing cryptography?

Provably secure cryptography, what′s needed?

(1×) Semantic Security


`Bits : ℕ → `Set
`Bits = `Vec `Bit

|M| |C| |R| : ℕ -- Parameters

M = `Bits |M|  -- The message space
C = `Bits |C|  -- The cipher-text space
R = `Bits |R|  -- Randomness needed to encrypt

Enc = M `× R `→ C -- Encryption
E : Enc           -- Parameter

(1×) Semantic Security

advantageSS G = | Pr[G 0 ≡ 1] - Pr[G 1 ≡ 1] |

Encryption E is semantically secure iff forall "efficient" adversary A, advantageSS (E ⇆ A) is "negligible".

The adversary

R= Bits |Rₐ| -- Adv′s randomness

-- AdvCont = Rₐ → (M × M) × (C → Bit)

Adv = (R`→ M `× M)
    × (R`× C `→ Bit)

_⇆_ : Enc  Adv  Bit  Rₐ × R  Bit
(E ⇆ (A₀ , A₁)) b (rₐ , r) = d
    m = A₀ rₐ
    c = E (m b , r)
    d = A₁ (rₐ , c)


EncTr = Enc  Enc
AdvTr = Adv  Adv

encTr : EncTr
advTr : AdvTr

⟨E⟩ = encTr E
⟨A⟩ = advTr A

advantageSS (⟨E⟩ ⇆ A) ≈ advantageSS (E ⇆ ⟨A⟩)

A universe for simple data

record Universe (`Set : Set) : Set where
  constructor mk
    `: `Set
    `Bit  : `Set
    _`×_  : `Set → `Set  `Set
    `Vec  : `Set → ℕ → `Set

  `Bits = `Vec `Bit

Instances of this universe

Set-U : Universe Set
Set-U = mk ⊤ Bit _×_ Vec

Bits-U : UniverseBits-U = mk 0 1 _+_ (flip _*_)

Fin-U : UniverseFin-U = mk 1 2 _*_ _^_

⊤-U : Universe ⊤
⊤-U = _ -- Agda figures out that there
        -- is only one such universe

A universe of functions over simple data

record FunUniverse (`Set : Set) : Set₁ where
  constructor _,_
    universe : Universe `Set
    _`→_     : `Set  `Set → Set

  i `→ᵇ o = `Bits i `→ `Bits o
  `Endo A = A `→ A

Instances of this universe

agdaFunU : FunUniverse Set
agdaFunU = Set-U , λ A B  A  B

bitsFunU : FunUniverse ℕ
bitsFunU = Bits-U , λ i o  Bits i  Bits o

finFunU : FunUniverse ℕ
finFunU = Fin-U , λ i o  Fin i  Fin o

constFunU : Set  FunUniverse ⊤
constFunU A = ⊤-U , λ _ _  A

circuitFunU : FunUniverse ℕ
circuitFunU = Bits-U , _⌥_

Circuit syntax

data _⌥_ : Set where
  rewire :  {i o}  (Fin o  Fin i)  i ⌥ o
    -- cost: 0 time, o space
  _∘_    :  {m n o}  n ⌥ o  m ⌥ n  m ⌥ o
    -- cost: sum time and space
  <_×_>  :  {m n o p} 
           m ⌥ o  n ⌥ p  (m + n) ⌥ (o + p)
    -- cost: max time and sum space
  cond   :  {n}  (1 + (n + n)) ⌥ n
    -- cost: 1 time, 1 space
  bits   :  {n _⊤}  Bits n  _⊤ ⌥ n
    -- cost: 0 time, n space
  xor    :  {n}  Bits n  n ⌥ n
    -- cost: 1 time, n space

Circuit pictures


Circuit pictures


Circuit pictures


Circuit pictures


Packing up...

record FunPack : Setwhere
    `Set : Set
    funU : FunUniverse `Set
    funO : FunOps funU

Cost models are universe instances! (time)

Time = ℕ

timeCostModel : FunPack
timeCostModel = record
  { `Set = Time
  ; funU = constFunU Time
  ; funO = record { rewire = const 0
                  ; _∘_    = _+_
                  ; <_×_>  = _⊔_
                  ; cond   = 1
                  ; bits   = const 0
                  ; xor    = const 1 } }

Cost models are universe instances! (space)

Space = ℕ

spaceCostModel : FunPack
spaceCostModel = record
  { `Set = Space
  ; funU = constFunU Space
  ; funO = record { rewire = λ {i} {o} _ → o
                  ; _∘_    = _+_
                  ; <_×_>  = _+_
                  ; cond   = 1
                  ; bits   = λ {n} _ → n
                  ; xor    = λ {n} _ → n } }

Wrapping up: polymorphic adversary transformers!

AdvTr =  (fp : FunPack)  Adv fp  Adv fp
