Browser Reconnaissance & Exfiltration via Adaptive Compression of Hypertext
A compression side-channel attack against HTTPS
(through HTTP compression)
Privacy is a critical issue!
Proofs should be fully verified!
is kept secret and never disclosedpk
is widely distributed in association with user′s identitym
to Bob:
Enc pk m
produces a cipher-text c
to BobDec sk c
re-produces the message m
AdversaryAdvantage A = | Pr[IND-CPA b A ≡ b] - 1/2 |
-- The IND-CPA adversary comes in two parts
record Adversary : ★ where
-- In the step 'm', the adversary receives some
-- randomness, the public key.
-- The adversary returns the message (m₀ and m₁).
m : Rₐ → PubKey → Message ²
-- In the step 'b′' the adversary receives the same
-- randomness supply and public key as in step 'm'
-- and receives the ciphertext computed by the
-- challenger. The adversary has to guess which
-- message (m₀ or m₁) has been encrypted.
b′ : Rₐ → PubKey → CipherText → Bit
module Det-Enc-Attack (rₐ : Rₐ) (pk : PubKey) where
m : Message ²
-- m₀ and m₁ have to be different
b′ : CipherText → Bit
b′ c = c == Enc pk m₁ …
b′ (Enc pk (m b) …)
≡ Enc pk (m b) … == Enc pk m₁ …
≡ b == 1
≡ b
actually takes an extra parameter containing the necessary randomness.RSA-Enc (e,n) m = mᵉ [mod n]
.-- The game step by step:
-- (pk) key-generation, only the public-key is needed
-- (mb) send randomness, public-key and bit
-- receive which message to encrypt
-- (c) encrypt the message
-- (b′) send randomness, public-key and ciphertext
-- receive the guess from the adversary
EXP : Bit → Adversary → R → Bit
EXP b A (rₐ , rₖ , rₑ) = res
module A = Adversary A
pk = proj₁ (KeyGen rₖ)
mb = A.m rₐ pk b
c = Enc pk mb rₑ
res = A.b′ rₐ pk c
game : Adversary → (Bit × R) → Bit
game A (b , r) = b == EXP b A r
module Size-Leak-Attack (rₐ : Rₑ) (pk : PubKey) where
m : Message ²
-- m₀ and m₁ have to be of a different size
b′ : CipherText → Bit
b′ c = size c == size (Enc pk m₁ rₐ)
b′ (Enc pk (m b) rₑ)
≡ size (Enc pk (m b) rₑ) == size (Enc pk m₁ rₐ)
≡ size (m b) == size m₁
≡ b == 1
≡ b
IND-CPA actually requires the two messages to be of the same size!
Compression after encryption is fruitless, since encrypted data looks like random, and random can't be well compressed.
CEnc : PubKey → Message → Rₑ → CipherText
CEnc pk m rₑ = Enc pk (compress m) rₑ
module Compression-Oracle (rₐ : Rₐ) (pk : PubKey) where
m : Message ²
-- m₀ and m₁ have to be of the same size while
-- compress to a different size
b′ : CipherText → Bit
b′ c = size c == size (CEnc pk m₁ rₐ)
b′ (CEnc pk (m b) rₑ)
≡ size (CEnc pk (m b) rₑ) == size (CEnc pk m₁ rₐ)
≡ size (Enc pk (compress (m b)) rₑ)
size (Enc pk (compress m₁) rₐ)
≡ size (compress (m b)) == size (compress m₁)
≡ b == 1
≡ b
At ekoparty 2012, Thai Duong and Juliano Rizzo announced CRIME, a compression side-channel attack against HTTPS. An attacker with the ability to:
- Inject partial chosen plaintext into a victim's requests
- Measure the size of encrypted traffic
can leverage information leaked by compression to recover targeted parts of the plaintext.
BREACH (Angelo Prado, Neal Harris, Yoel Gluck) is a category of vulnerabilities and not a specific instance affecting a specific piece of software. To be vulnerable, a web application must:
- Be served from a server that uses HTTP-level compression
- Reflect user-input in HTTP response bodies
- Reflect a secret (such as a CSRF token) in HTTP response bodies
GET /owa/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&a=New&id=canary=<guess>
<span id=requestUrl>
<td nowrap id="tdErrLgf"><a href="logoff.owa?
canary=d634cda866f14c73ac135ae858c0d894">Log Off</a></td>
(example from the paper on BREACH)
(picture from the paper on BREACH)
Byte = Vec Byte
module BREACH M {{MonM : Monad M}}
(doQuery : ∀ {n} → Bytes n → M Response)
doQuery guess =
(Enc pk (… ++ "canary=" ++ encodeGuess guess ++ …))
(exploreByte : Explore Byte)
(findMinimumM : ∀ {A} → Explore A → (A → M ℕ) → M A)
(iterateM : ∀ {A : ℕ → Set}
(f : ∀ {m} → A m → M (A (suc m)))
(n : ℕ) → M (A n)) where
open Monad MonM
guessOneByte : ∀ {n} → Bytes n → M (Bytes (suc n))
guessOneByte guess =
(_∷ʳ_ guess) <$>
findMinimumM exploreByte λ b →
size <$> doQuery (guess ∷ʳ b)
result : ∀ {n} → M (Bytes n)
result = iterateM {Bytes} guessOneByte _
Technical Challenges, met and overcame by BREACH:
My mockup does not address any of those, yet.