The Ling Language

modular and precise resource management

Nicolas Pouillard

2015-12-28, 32nd Chaos Communication Congress



  • improving
  • safe
  • automatic
  • predictable
        +-----+               +-----+
  input |     | intermediate  |     | output
 ------>|  F  |-------------->|  G  |------->
  data  |     |    data       |     |  data
        +-----+               +-----+
  input |          | output
 ------>|    FG    |------->
  data  |          |  data

In case of emergency, you can:

  • make F a better producer
  • make G a better consumer
  • decide to allocate

Where does Ling go?

  • Numerical computation
  • Embedded systems
  • Drivers and Kernels
  • Security and cryptography

What does Ling feature?

  • Terms are used for meta-programming and as data.
  • Processes are used to describe behavior.
  • Types enforce a safe use of data by terms.
  • Sessions enforce a safe behavior of processes.
  • Dependent types and sessions enable formal verification.
  • Duality sessions enables fusion.

Where does Ling come from?

Matrix Multiplication

\[(A·B)_{ij} = \sum_{k=0}^{m-1} A_{ik} × B_{kj}\]

\(zipP(u,v)_k\) \(= u_k × v_k\)
\(sumD(w)\) \(= \sum_{k=0}^{m-1} w_{k}\)
\(dotP(u,v)\) \(= sumD(zipP(u,v))\)


  • Your first Ling program
  • Types as an approximation
  • Duality
  • Allocation & Fusion
  • Back to matrix multiplication

Your first Ling program


? : What I am going to read?

! : Here is what I write!

double =
  proc{a: ?Int, b: !Int}
    let x <- a.
    b <- x + x
proc{b: !Int}
  new (a: Int).
  a <- 21.
  @double{a, b}

Replacing @double by its definition:

proc{b: !Int}
  new (a: Int).
  a <- 21.
  let x <- a.
  b <- x + x

Fusing away the allocation:

proc{b: !Int}
  let x = 21.
  b <- x + x

Expanding local definitions:

proc{b: !Int}
  b <- 42

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Types

If you believe that...

  • Type systems are just here to reject programs
  • Java, C#, C++ have a good type system
  • Unit testing can replace a type system

Think again...

Actually, good type systems can:

  • Explain why/where your program can fail
  • Empower the compiler for optimizations
  • Automate parts of your program

A type is an approximation
which enables abstraction

Approximate at will

 a  |        | d = a / b
--->|        |----------->
    | divmod |
--->|        |----------->
 b  |        | m = a % b
  • Processes can be composed in parallel and sequentially.
  • Sessions enable a precise control of the process interface.
  • Linearity ensures that reads and writes happen exactly once.

Approximate at will

proc{   a: ?Int, b: ?Int ,  d: !Int, m: !Int   } -- Any order
proc[:  a: ?Int, b: ?Int ,  d: !Int, m: !Int  :] -- In order
proc[   a: ?Int, b: ?Int ,  d: !Int, m: !Int   ] -- All in parallel
proc[: [a: ?Int, b: ?Int], [d: !Int, m: !Int] :] -- ∥ read; ∥ write
proc[: {a: ?Int, b: ?Int}, [d: !Int, m: !Int] :] -- Any read; ∥ write
let x <- a. let y <- b. d <- x / y. m <- x % y ( let x <- a | let y <- b). ( d <- x / y | m <- x % y) let y <- b. let x <- a. m <- x % y. d <- x / y
let x <- a. let y <- b. ( d <- x / y | m <- x % y) let y <- b. let x <- a. ( d <- x / y | m <- x % y) ( let x <- a | let y <- b). d <- x / y. m <- x % y



S ~S
!A ?A
{S₀, ..., Sₙ} [~S₀, ..., ~Sₙ]
[:S₀, ..., Sₙ:] [:~S₀, ..., ~Sₙ:]


 ~{ !Int, [: ?Double, ?Int:]}
= [~!Int,~[: ?Double, ?Int:]]
= [ ?Int,~[: ?Double, ?Int:]]
= [ ?Int, [:~?Double,~?Int:]]
= [ ?Int, [: !Double, !Int:]]

Allocation & Fusion

Allocation with Fusion

  • S a session (!Int, {!Int,?Double})
  • F a process following S
  • G a process following the dual of S
new [ c : S, d : ~S ].
( @F{c}
| @G{d} )
new [: c : S, d : ~S :].

Mandatory Allocation

F = proc(u: {!Int^100}) ...
G = proc(u: {?Int^100}) ...

FG = proc()
  new/alloc [: u: {!Int^100}, v: {?Int^100} :]


F = proc(u: [!Int^100]) ...
G = proc(u: [?Int^100]) ...

Back to Matrix Multiplication

ZipWith and pointwise product

zipP = zipWith Double Double Double _*D_
zipWith =
  \(A B C: Type)
   (f: (a: A)(b: B)-> C)
   (n: Int)->
  proc{[: a: ?A^n :], [: b: ?B^n :], [: c: !C^n :]}

    slice (a,b,c)^n (cc <- f (<- a) (<- b))

Fold-left and summation

sumD = foldl Double Double _+D_ 0.0
foldl = \(A B: Type)
         (f: (acc: B)(a: A)-> B)
         (init: B)
         (n: Int)->
  proc[: [: ai: ?A^n :], cr: !B :]

    new (tmp: B).
    tmp <- init.
    slice (ai)^n
      (tmp <- f (<- tmp) (<- a)).

Dot product

dotP = \(n : Int)->
  proc{u: [: ?Double^n :],
       v: [: ?Double^n :],
       o: !Double}

    new [: w: [: !Double^n :], w' :]
    @(zipP n){u, v, w}.
    @(sumD n)[:w', o:]

Fused dot product

fused_dotP = \(n : Int)->
  proc{[: ai: ?Double^n :],
       [: bi: ?Double^n :],
       o : !Double}

  new (tmp : Double).
  tmp <- 0.0.
  (slice (ai, bi)^n
    let a <- ai.
    let b <- bi.
    let c <- tmp.
    tmp <- (c +D (a *D b))).
  let x <- tmp.
  o <- x

Precision + Modularity

Cost Free Abstraction!


predictable + safe + automatic