Overloading, searching for alternatives

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While working for Intel...

The reFLect overloading system

Today's overloading presentation

Extends the ML we know Closer to OCaml than reFLect: Call-by-value, modules, signatures...
Takes another path, not chronological Starting from "open overloading" and then close it

Basic overloading

Declaring overloaded symbols

One declares it by giving a name and a type:

overload print : IO.output -> α -> unit
overload _+_ : α -> α -> α

Declaring instances

One gives the overloaded name and a list of new alternatives.

instance print Int.print Float.print
instance _+_ Int._+_ Float._+_

Overloading and type inference

Type inference in this system is a two step process:

The outcome of overloading (basic)

Simple examples

# let isucc x = 1 + x
- val isucc : Int.t -> Int.t

# let fsucc x = 1.0 + x
- val fsucc : Float.t -> Float.t

# let foo x y = if x = y then x + 12 else y + y
- val foo : Int.t -> Int.t -> Int.t

Simple errors

# false + true
! Unresolved symbol: _+_ : Bool.t -> Bool.t -> Bool.t
! The 2 possible alternatives are:
!   Int._+_ : Int.t -> Int.t -> Int.t
!   Float._+_ : Float.t -> Float.t -> Float.t

# fun x -> x + x
! Unresolved symbol: _+_ : α -> α -> α
! The 2 possible alternatives are:
!   Int._+_ : Int.t -> Int.t -> Int.t
!   Float._+_ : Float.t -> Float.t -> Float.t

A more complex example

# let id_int x = x + 0
- val id_int : Int.t -> Int.t
# let id_bool x = x && true
- val id_bool : Bool.t -> Bool.t
# let id_float x = x + 0.0
- val id_float : Float.t -> Float.t
# overload id1 : α -> α
# instance id1 id_int id_bool
# overload id2 : α -> α
# instance id2 id_float id_int
# fun x -> id1 (id2 x)
- <fun> : Int.t -> Int.t

Why alternatives must be pairwise not unifiable?

# let inc_fst p = fst p + 1
- val inc_fst : (Int.t * α) -> Int.t
# let inc_snd p = snd p + 1
- val inc_snd : (α * Int.t) -> Int.t
# overload inc_one : (α * β) -> Int.t
# instance inc_one inc_fst inc_snd
! Attempt to overload "inc_one" with alternatives...
!   inc_fst : (Int.t * α) -> Int.t
!   inc_snd :: (β * Int.t) -> Int.t
Indeed inc_one(42,true) and inc_one("foo",64) make sense, but what about inc_one(16,64)?

Overloading and modularity

Delegated overloading

Delegated overloading

One wants to compile such a generic definition
let double x = x + x
The solution adopted An overloading error (too much candidates) becomes an implicit argument when the overloading can be resolved later
In a nutshell While classic overloading is just some type directed sugar, delegated overloading allows generic programming

The outcome of overloading (complete)

if no candidates and future_proof then
>   raise an overloading error
else if only one candidate
>     and (future_proof or not defthen keep it
else if def then abstract over its implementation
else raise an overloading error

How delegated overloading works


When an overloaded symbol cannot be resolved but could be in the future, we abstract the current definition from the implementation of unresolved symbols.

These implicit arguments are then re-introduced at each call site as overloaded occurrences.

Note In this system, the resolution strategy is fixed

Delegated overloading in action

# let double x = x + x
- val double : [_+_ : α -> α -> α] => α -> α
In fact the definition of double implicitly becomes:
let double' _+_ x = x + x
And a call to the function double is treated like that:
double 42
⇝ double' (_+_ : α -> α -> α) 42
⇝ double' (_+_ : Int.t -> Int.t -> Int.t) 42
⇝ double' Int._+_ 42

Implicit arguments

For each occurrence Given an overloaded symbol f:
f : [a1 : t1, ..., aN : tN] => t
Add all implicit arguments
f x ⇝ (f' : t1 -> ... -> tN -> t) a1 ... aN x

Closing the overloading

Syntax of closing
close_overload _+_
future_proof extension We extend the future_proof predicate to return true when the overloaded symbol is closed

Guessing the anti-unifier

One can provide short-cut for "closed overloading", by just taking candidates and computing the least general anti-unifier
t ::= X | F T1...TN

t         antiunif t         = t
F t1...tN antiunif F u1...uN = F (t1 antiunif u1)...(tN antiunif uN)
t         antiunif u         = fresh_var t u


Recursive functions

The second choice will require an annotation, and will be useful only with polymorphic recursion (which also often requires an annotation).
# let rec print_list = ... print ... print_list ...
- val print_list :
-  [print : IO.output -> α -> unit] =>
-    IO.output -> List.t α -> unit

Recursion Through Open Overloading

Can a candidate use its own overloaded symbol? Seems evident that that printing a list also rely on printing an element, that adding pairs rely on adding it's elements

# overload size : α -> Int.t
# let int_size (_:Int.t) = 1
- val int_size : Int.t -> Int.t
# let pair_size (x, y) = size x + size y
- val pair_size :
-   [size : α -> Int.t, size : β -> Int.t]
-   => (α * β) -> Int.t
# instance size int_size pair_size
Impact on the resolution Recursion makes recursive the overloading resolution step, since resolution can introduce new implicit arguments

Recursions Must Be Well Founded

This example is particulary badly converted to HTML
# let rec list_size = function
# | []    -> 0
# | x::xs -> size x + size xs
- val list_size :
-   [size : α -> Int.t, size : List.t α -> Int.t]
-   => List.t α -> Int.t
list_size xs
- val list_size :
-   [size : α -> Int.t]
-   => List.t α -> Int.t
# instance size list_size
# size
# list_size size size
# list_size size (list_size size size)
# list_size size (list_size size (list_size ...))
# list_size size
# list_size (pair_size size size)
# list_size (pair_size int_size int_size)
#  [(1,2); (3,4)]

Polymorphic Recursion

# type sequence α = Unit | Seq α (sequence (α * α))
# val seq_size :
#   [size : α -> Int.t] => sequence α -> Int.t
# instance size seq_size
# let seq_size = function
# | Unit -> 0
# | Seq x xs -> size x + size xs
- val seq_size : [size : α -> Int.t]
-             => sequence α -> Int.t

Advanced features

Explicit overloading

Minor feature but makes the implicit argument system more complete
- val implicit : [size : α -> Int.t]
-                => List.t α -> Int.t
# explicit_overloading explicit implicit
- val explicit : (α -> Int.t) -> List.t α -> Int.t

Default Values

Can be really useful too
# let print_default oc _ =
#   IO.print_string oc "?"
- val print_default : IO.output -> α -> unit
# default_overloading print print_default

Higher order kinds

Extending the type system with these kinds makes the system more fine grained
No it's not higher order unification since the application is not reduced

Higher order kinds, examples

# overload map :
#   (α -> β) -> **container α -> **container β

# overload bind :
#   **container α -> (α -> **container β) -> **container β

# type view **container α =
#    Nil | Cons α (**container α)

# type stateM σ **container α =
#    State (σ -> **container (α * σ))


Conclusion and questions

So, ready for overloading?