Module Command

module Command: sig .. end
Provides an abstract type for easily building complex shell commands without making quotation mistakes.

include Signatures.COMMAND

For system use only, not for the casual user

val string_target_and_tags_of_command_spec : spec -> string * string * Tags.t
val iter_tags : (Tags.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
val fold_pathnames : (pathname -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
val digest : t -> Digest.t
Digest the given command.
val jobs : int Pervasives.ref
Maximum number of parallel jobs.
val tag_handler : (Tags.t -> spec) Pervasives.ref
Hook here the function that maps a set of tags to appropriate command options. It also build the dependencies that matches the tags.
val dump_parallel_stats : unit -> unit
For system use only
val deps_of_tags : Tags.t -> pathname list
val dep : Tags.elt list -> pathname list -> unit
dep tags deps Will build deps when tags will be activated.