Functor Ocaml_dependencies.Make

module Make: 
functor (I : INPUT) -> sig .. end
Wait an INPUT module and gives a function to compute the transitive closure of caml file takeing in account libraries and packages.

val caml_transitive_closure : ?caml_obj_ext:string ->
?caml_lib_ext:string ->
?pack_mode:bool ->
?used_libraries:string list ->
?hidden_packages:string list -> Pathname.t list -> Pathname.t list
caml_transitive_closure takes a list of root ocaml compiled files and returns the list of files that must be given to a linker. Optionally you can change the extension of caml object/library files (cmo/cma by default); use the pack mode (false by default) to include only root files (just sort them); and gives the list of used libraries (empty by default).