open import NomPa.Record
import NomPa.Encodings.AlphaCaml
import NomPa.Derived
open import Data.List
open import Data.Nat
open import Function.NP
open import Data.Product.Extras using (_×_;;_,_)
import Data.Indexed

module NomPa.Encodings.BindersUnbound (nomPa : NomPa) where

open NomPa nomPa
open NomPa.Derived nomPa

module Cαml = NomPa.Encodings.AlphaCaml nomPa

open Cαml using (Innerᵖ; Outerᵖ; <_>)

-- All these are re-exported
open Cαml public using (𝔼; Nameᵉ; _×ᵉ_; _⊎ᵉ_; Neutralᵉ; _→ᵉ_; _↦ᵉ_; ∀ᵉ;; Binderᵖ; _×ᵖ_; _,_; _⊎ᵖ_; Neutralᵖ; _→ᵖ_; _↦ᵖ_; ∀ᵖ;
                        Listᵉ; Maybeᵉ; Listᵖ; 1ᵉ; 1ᵖ; neutral; binder)

data Bind (P : ) (E : 𝔼) : 𝔼 where
  bind :  {α Op} (p : P α (Op α) Op) (e : E (Op α))  Bind P E α

--Bind : ℙ → 𝔼 → 𝔼
-- Bind P E α = ∃[ Op ](P α (Op α) Op × E (Op α))
        -- ≅ ∃[ Op ](∃[ Op₁ ](Op ≡ Op₁ × P α (Op α) Op₁ × E (Op α)))
        -- ≅ ∃[ Op ](∃[ Op₁ ](∃[ Op₂ ](Op ≡ Op₂ ∘ Op₁ × P α (Op α) Op₁ × E (Op α) × Op₂ ≡ id)))
        -- ≡ ∃[ Op ](∃[ Op₁ ](∃[ Op₂ ](Op ≡ Op₂ ∘ Op₁ × P α (Op α) Op₁ × Innerᵖ E α (Op α) Op₂)))
        -- ≅ ∃[ Op ]((P ×ᵖ Innerᵖ E) α (Op α) Op)
        -- ≡ < P ×ᵖ Innerᵖ E > α

-- Embed : 𝔼 → ℙ
-- Embed = Outerᵖ
data Embed (E : 𝔼) :  where
  embed :  {α β}  E α  Embed E α β id

{- from «Binders Unbound»
Rebind P₁ P₂ acts like the pattern type
(P₁ , P₂), except that P₁ also scopes over P₂, so the binders in P₁
may be referred to by terms embedded within P₂. (The fact that P₁
scopes over P₂ in this way has no effect on the pattern portion of
P₂.) -}
infixr 4 _,_
data Rebind (P₁ P₂ : ) :  where
  _,_ :  {Op₁ Op₂ α β}  P₁ α β Op₁  P₂ (Op₁ α) β Op₂  Rebind P₁ P₂ α β (Op₂  Op₁)

{- from «Binders Unbound»
In Rec P, names in the pattern P scope recursively
over any terms embedded in P itself. However, Rec P itself is
also a pattern, so names in P also scope externally over any term
that binds Rec P . Intuitively, Rec is just a “recursive” version of
Rec :   
Rec P α β Op = P (Op α) β Op

module FreeVars where
  -- hum there seems to be an Agda bug behind this...
  -- If I import Fv from here, the Fv is still parameterized by NomPa
  open Cαml.FreeVars public using ({-Fv;-} fv×ᵉ; fv⊎ᵉ; fvNeutralᵉ; fvNameᵉ; mk;
                                   Fv′ᵖ; {-Fvᵖ;-} _++ᵖ_; fv×ᵖ; fv⊎ᵖ; fvBinderᵖ; fvInnerᵖ; fvOuterᵖ; fvNeutralᵖ)

  Fv : 𝔼  Set
  Fv E = E ↦ᵉ Listᵉ Nameᵉ

  Fvᵖ :   Set
  Fvᵖ P = P ↦ᵖ Fv′ᵖ

  fvBind :  {P} {E : 𝔼}  Fvᵖ P  Fv E  Fv (Bind P E)
  fvBind fvP fvE (bind p e) with fvP p
  ... | mk fvO fvI rmP = fvO ++ rmP (fvI ++ fvE e)

  fvEmbed :  {E}  Fv E  Fvᵖ (Embed E)
  -- fvEmbed = Cαml.FreeVars.fvOuterᵖ
  fvEmbed fvE (embed e) = mk (fvE e) [] id

  fvRec :  {P}  Fvᵖ P  Fvᵖ (Rec P)
  fvRec fvP p with fvP p
  ... | mk fvO fvI rmP = mk (rmP fvO) fvI rmP

  fvRebind :  {P₁ P₂}  Fvᵖ P₁  Fvᵖ P₂  Fvᵖ (Rebind P₁ P₂)
  fvRebind fvP₁ fvP₂ (p₁ , p₂) with fvP₁ p₁ | fvP₂ p₂
  ... | mk fvO₁ fvI₁ rmP₁ | mk fvO₂ fvI₂ rmP₂ = mk (fvO₁ ++ rmP₁ fvO₂) (fvI₁ ++ fvI₂) (rmP₁  rmP₂)

module Example where
 mutual -- no mutual
  data Exp : 𝔼 where
    V   : Nameᵉ ↦ᵉ Exp
    Π   : Bind Tele Exp ↦ᵉ Exp
    ƛ   : Bind Tele Exp ↦ᵉ Exp
    _·_ : Exp ×ᵉ Listᵉ Exp ↦ᵉ Exp
    set : 1ᵉ ↦ᵉ Exp

  data Tele :  where
    [] : 1ᵖ ↦ᵖ Tele
      : Rebind (Binderᵖ ×ᵖ Embed Exp) Tele ↦ᵖ Tele

 ⟨⟩ :  {α β}  Tele α β id
 ⟨⟩ = [] (neutral _)

 ⟨_∶_⟩_ :  {α β Op} b  Exp α  Tele (b  α) β Op  Tele α β (Op  _◅_ b)
  b  τ  Γ =  ((binder b , embed τ) , Γ)

 ⟨_∶_⟩· :  {α β} b  Exp α  Tele α β (_◅_ b)
  b  τ ⟩· =  b  τ  ⟨⟩

 infix 0 _→′_ ƛ′_→′_

 _→′_ :  {α Op}  Tele α (Op α) Op  Exp (Op α)  Exp α
 _→′_ Γ τ = Π (bind Γ τ)

 ƛ′_→′_ :  {α Op}  Tele α (Op α) Op  Exp (Op α)  Exp α
 ƛ′_→′_ Γ e = ƛ (bind Γ e)

 _ᵛ :  {α} n  Exp (n   α)
 n  = V (n )

 _ᵛ¹ :  {α} n  Exp (1 + n ◅… α)
 n ᵛ¹ = V (n ᴺ¹)

 module Ex₁ where
  -- «(A : Set) (x : A) →»
  tele :  {α β}  Tele α β _
  tele =  A   set _   x   A  ⟩·
    where A = 0
          x = 1

  -- «Π (A : Set) (x : A) → A»
  ID™ : Exp ø
  ID™ = tele →′ 0 ᵛ¹

  -- «λ (A : Set) (x : A) → x»
  id™ : Exp ø
  id™ = ƛ′ tele →′ 1 

 module Ex₂ where
  -- «Π (A : Set) (x : A) → A»
  ID™ : Exp ø
  ID™ =  A   set _   x   A  ⟩· →′ A ᵛ¹
    where A = 0
          x = 1

  -- «λ (A : Set) (x : A) → x»
  id™ : Exp ø
  id™ = ƛ′  A   set _   x   A  ⟩· →′ x 
    where A = 0
          x = 1

  fv : Exp ↦ᵉ Listᵉ Nameᵉ
  fv (V x) = [ x ]
  fv (Π (bind Γ t)) = fvTele Γ ++ rmTele Γ (fv t)
  fv (ƛ (bind Γ t)) = fvTele Γ ++ rmTele Γ (fv t)
  fv (_·_ (t , us)) = fv t ++ fvL us
  fv (set _) = []

  fvL : Listᵉ Exp ↦ᵉ Listᵉ Nameᵉ
  fvL [] = []
  fvL (t  ts) = fv t ++ fvL ts

  fvTele :  {α β Op}  Tele α β Op  List (Name α)
  fvTele ([] _) = []
  fvTele ( ((binder b , embed τ) , Γ)) = fv τ ++ rm b (fvTele Γ)

  rmTele :  {α β Op}  Tele α β Op  List (Name (Op α))  List (Name α)
  rmTele ([] (neutral _)) = id
  rmTele ( ((binder b , embed _) , Γ)) = rm b  rmTele Γ