open import Relation.Binary  using (Reflexive; Transitive)
open import Function
open import Function.InstanceArguments
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Unit using ()
-- open import Reflection.NP using (ηⁿ)
open import Data.Product
open import Category.Functor
            renaming (RawFunctor to Functor; module RawFunctor to Functor)
open import Category.Applicative
            renaming (RawApplicative to Applicative; module RawApplicative to Applicative)

module NomPa.Examples.LC.SymanticsTy

module DataFunctorReader {E} where
  Reader : Set  Set
  Reader A = E  A
  functor : Functor Reader
  functor = record { _<$>_ = λ f g  f  g }
  applicative : Applicative Reader
  applicative = record { pure = const; _⊛_ = _ˢ_ }

module BasicSyms (Repr : Set  Set) where
  record BaseArithSym : Set where
    constructor mk
      nat :   Repr 
      add : Repr (    )
      mul : Repr (    )

  AppSym : Set₁
  AppSym =  {A B : Set}  Repr (A  B)  Repr A  Repr B

  record SimpleSym : Set₁ where
    constructor mk
    infixl 2 _$$_
      baseArithSym : BaseArithSym
      _$$_         : AppSym
    open BaseArithSym baseArithSym public
    _+:_ : Repr   Repr   Repr 
    x +: y = add $$ x $$ y
    _*:_ : Repr   Repr   Repr 
    x *: y = mul $$ x $$ y

  -- lamS in Staged Haskell
  LamPure : Set₁
  LamPure =  {A B}  (Repr A  Repr B)  Repr (A  B)

  AssertPos : Set₁
  AssertPos =  {A}  Repr   Repr A  Repr A

module IdSyms where
  open BasicSyms id
  baseArithSym : BaseArithSym
  baseArithSym = record { nat = id; add = _+_; mul = _*_ }
  _$$_ : AppSym
  _$$_ = id
  simpleSym : SimpleSym
  simpleSym = record { baseArithSym = baseArithSym; _$$_ = _$$_ }
  ƛᴾ : LamPure
  ƛᴾ = id

module ApplicativeSyms {M Repr : Set  Set} (M-app : Applicative M) where
  open BasicSyms
  open Applicative M-app

  baseArithSym : {{sym : BaseArithSym Repr}}  BaseArithSym (M  Repr)
  baseArithSym = record { nat = pure  nat; add = pure add; mul = pure mul } where
    open BaseArithSym _ 

  _$$_ : {{sym : AppSym Repr}}  AppSym (M  Repr)
  _$$_ {{_$$′_}} x y = pure _$$′_  x  y

  simpleSym : {{sym : SimpleSym Repr}}  SimpleSym (M  Repr)
  simpleSym {{mk _ _}} = mk baseArithSym _$$_

  assertPos : {{_ : AssertPos Repr}}  AssertPos (M  Repr)
  assertPos {{assertPos′}} nᴹ aᴹ = pure assertPos′  nᴹ  aᴹ

open BasicSyms

J : (M Repr : Set  Set) (A : Set)  Set
J M Repr A = M (Repr A)

HV : (H : Set) (Repr : Set  Set) (A : Set)  Set
-- HV H = J (λ B → H → B)
HV H Repr A = H  Repr A

module HVSyms {H Repr} = ApplicativeSyms  B  H  B} {Repr} DataFunctorReader.applicative

hmap :  {A H₁ H₂ Repr}  (H₂  H₁)  HV H₁ Repr A  HV H₂ Repr A
hmap f g = g  f

-- called runH in Staged Haskell
runHV :  {Repr A}  HV  Repr A  Repr A
runHV m = m _

record Lib : Set₁ where
  constructor mk
    HA : (Repr : Set  Set) (S A : Set)  Set

  LamM : Set₁
  LamM =  {M Repr : Set  Set}{A B H} {{funM : Functor M}} {{sSym : SimpleSym Repr}}
              {{ƛᴾ : LamPure Repr}}  (∀ {S}  HV (HA Repr S A × H) Repr A  M (HV (HA Repr S A × H) Repr B))
             M (HV H Repr (A  B))

    lam : LamM
    href :  {Repr S A H}  HV (HA Repr S A × H) Repr A
    var :  {H M Repr A} {{M-app : Applicative M}}  HV H Repr A  M (HV H Repr A)
    weaken :  {H H′ A : Set} {M Repr : Set  Set} {{M-app : Functor M}}  M (HV H Repr A)  M (HV (H′ × H) Repr A)

module M2
  (Cst : Set)
  (Env : Set)
  -- (_↑1 : Env → Env)
  (Binder : Set)
  (Ty : Set)
  (_,⟨_∶_⟩ : Env  Binder  Ty  Env)
  (_#_ : Binder  Env  Set)
  (_↑1⟨_⟩ : Env  Ty  Env)
  (_⊆_ : Env  Env  Set)
  (_⇒_ : Ty  Ty  Ty)
  (ε : Env)
  (⊆-ε     :  {Γ}  ε  Γ)
  (⊆-# :  {Γ b τ}  b # Γ  Γ  Γ ,⟨ b  τ )
  (⊆-cong-,ᴰ :  {Γ₁ Γ₂ τ}  Γ₁  Γ₂  Γ₁ ↑1⟨ τ   Γ₂ ↑1⟨ τ )
  (⊆-trans : Transitive _⊆_)
  (_+1 : Env  Env)
  (⊆-+1↑1 :  {Γ τ}  Γ +1  Γ ↑1⟨ τ )
  (_⊢_ : Env  Ty  Set) where

 record Sym : Set where
  infixl 6 _·_

   _·_  :  {Γ σ τ}  (t : Γ  (σ  τ)) (u : Γ  σ)  Γ  τ
   ƛᴺ    :  {Γ σ τ}  (f :  {b}  b # Γ  Γ ,⟨ b  σ   σ  Γ ,⟨ b  σ   τ)  Γ  (σ  τ)
   ƛᴰ    :  {Γ σ τ}  (f : Γ ↑1⟨ σ   σ  Γ ↑1⟨ σ   τ)  Γ  (σ  τ)
   -- Let  : ∀ {α} → (t : Tm α) (u : Tm (α ↑1) → Tm (α ↑1)) → Tm α
   -- ƛ    : ∀ {α} → (t : ∀ {b} → Tm (b ◅ α) → Tm (b ◅ α)) → Tm α
   -- Let  : ∀ {α} → (t : Tm α) (u : ∀ {b} → Tm (b ◅ α) → Tm (b ◅ α)) → Tm α
   -- `_   : ∀ {α} → (κ : Cst) → Tm α

   coerce™ :  {Γ₁ Γ₂ τ}  Γ₁  Γ₂  Γ₁  τ  Γ₂  τ
   shift™ :  {Γ₁ Γ₂ τ}  Γ₁ +1  Γ₂  Γ₁  τ  Γ₂  τ

  weaken™ :  {Γ σ τ}  Γ  τ  Γ ↑1⟨ σ   τ
  weaken™ = shift™ ⊆-+1↑1

 module Examplesᴺ (sym : Sym) where
  open Sym sym

  id™ :  {τ}  ε  (τ  τ)
  id™ = ƛᴺ  _ x  x)

  true™ :  {σ τ}  ε  (τ  (σ  τ))
  true™ = ƛᴺ  _ x  ƛᴺ  y# y  coerce™ (⊆-# y#) x))

  false™ :  {σ τ}  ε  (σ  (τ  τ))
  false™ = ƛᴺ  _ x  ƛᴺ  _ y  y))

 module Examplesᴰ (sym : Sym) where
  open Sym sym

  id™ :  {τ}  ε  (τ  τ)
  id™ = ƛᴰ  x  x)

  true™ :  {σ τ}  ε  (τ  (σ  τ))
  true™ = ƛᴰ  x  ƛᴰ  y  weaken™ x))

  false™ :  {σ τ}  ε  (σ  (τ  τ))
  false™ = ƛᴰ  x  ƛᴰ  y  y))

module M3 where
  -- open module F {M : Set → Set} {{x}} = Functor {_} {M} x
  -- open module A {M : Set → Set} {{x}} = Applicative {_} {M} x

  record HA (Repr : Set  Set) (S A : Set) : Set where
    constructor mk
      ha : Repr A

  href :  {Repr S A H}  HV (HA Repr S A × H) Repr A 
  href (mk x , h) = x 

  -- dup
  LamM : Set₁
  LamM =  {M Repr : Set  Set}{A B H} {{M-fun : Functor M}} {{sSym : SimpleSym Repr}}
              {{ƛᴾ : LamPure Repr}}  (∀ {S}  HV (HA Repr S A × H) Repr A  M (HV (HA Repr S A × H) Repr B))
             M (HV H Repr (A  B))

  lam : LamM
  lam {{M-fun}} {{sym}} {{ƛᴾ}} f = _<$>_  body h  ƛᴾ  x  body (mk x , h))) (f {} href) where
    open SimpleSym _ sym
    open Functor M-fun

  var :  {H M Repr A} {{M-app : Applicative M}}  HV H Repr A  M (HV H Repr A)
  var = Applicative.pure 

  weaken :  {H H′ A : Set} {M Repr : Set  Set} {{M-app : Functor M}}  M (HV H Repr A)  M (HV (H′ × H) Repr A)
  weaken = Functor._<$>_   g  g  proj₂) -- hmap goes yellow

  lib : Lib
  lib = mk HA lam href
            {η₁} {η₂} {η₃} {η₄}  var {η₁} {η₂} {η₃} {η₄}) -- FIXME: unquote (ηⁿ (quote var))
            {η₁} {η₂} {η₃} {η₄} {η₅}  weaken {η₁} {η₂} {η₃} {η₄} {η₅})