{-# OPTIONS --universe-polymorphism #-}
import Level as L
open import NomPa.Record
import NomPa.Derived
import NomPa.Traverse
open import Category.Applicative renaming (module RawApplicative to Applicative; RawApplicative to Applicative)
open import Data.Maybe.NP as Maybe
open import Data.Unit using ()
open import Data.List
open import Data.Product.Extras
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Nat.Show
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.String renaming (_++_ to _++ˢ_)
open import Data.Bool
open import Function.NP
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as 
open  using (_≡_)
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable as Dec
open import NomPa.Examples.Raw hiding (appⁿ)
open import NomPa.Examples.Raw.Parser
open import NomPa.Examples.Path
import NomPa.Examples.LC.DataTypes
import NomPa.Examples.LC.Equiv

module NomPa.Examples.LC
  (nomPa : NomPa)
  (Cst : Set)
  (showCst : Cst  String) where

open NomPa nomPa
open NomPa.Derived nomPa
open NomPa.Traverse nomPa hiding (Subst)
open NomPa.Examples.LC.Equiv nomPa using (cmpTm; _==ᵀᵐ_)
open NomPa.Examples.LC.DataTypes dataKit Cst public

appⁿ :  {α}  Tm α  List (Tm α)  Tm α
appⁿ = foldl _·_
-- an alternative name to appⁿ is _·★_

CTm : Set
CTm =  {α}  Tm α

module FreeVars where
  fv :  {α}  Tm α  List (Name α)
  fv (V x)        = [ x ]
  fv (fct · arg)  = fv fct ++ fv arg
  fv (ƛ b t)      = rm b (fv t)
  fv (Let b t u)  = fv t ++ rm b (fv u)
  fv (` _)        = []

module CoerceTmByHand where
  coerceTm :  {α β}  (α  β)  Tm α  Tm β
  coerceTm α⊆β (V x) = V (x ⟨-because α⊆β -⟩)
  coerceTm α⊆β (t · u) = coerceTm α⊆β t · coerceTm α⊆β u
  coerceTm α⊆β (ƛ b t) = ƛ b (coerceTm (⊆-◅ b α⊆β) t)
  coerceTm α⊆β (Let b t u) = Let b (coerceTm α⊆β t) (coerceTm (⊆-◅ b α⊆β) u)
  coerceTm _    (` κ) = ` κ

module TraverseTm {E}   (E-app : Applicative E)
                  {Env} (trKit : TrKit Env (E  Tm)) where

  open Applicative E-app
  open TrKit trKit

  tr :  {α β}  Env α β  Tm α  E (Tm β)
  tr Δ (V x)       = trName Δ x
  tr Δ (t · u)     = pure _·_  tr Δ t  tr Δ u
  tr Δ (ƛ b t)     = pure (ƛ _)  tr (extEnv b Δ) t
  tr Δ (Let b t u) = pure (Let _)  tr Δ t  tr (extEnv b Δ) u
  tr Δ (` κ)       = pure $ ` κ

module DerivedByHand where
  open TraverseTm

  tr′ :  {E}   (E-app : Applicative E)
          {Env} (trKit : TrKit Env (E  Name))
          {α β}  Env α β  Tm α  E (Tm β)
  tr′ E-app trKit = tr E-app (mapKit id (Applicative._<$>_ E-app V) trKit)

  renameTmA :  {E} (E-app : Applicative E) 
               {α β}  Supply β  (Name α  E (Name β))  (Tm α  E (Tm β))
  renameTmA E-app s f = tr′ E-app (renameAKit E-app) (f , s)

  coerceTm :  {α β}  α  β  Tm α  Tm β
  coerceTm = tr′ id-app coerceKit

  coerceTmø : Tm ø   {α}  Tm α
  coerceTmø t = coerceTm ⊆-ø t

  renameTm :  {α β}  Supply β  (α →ᴺ β)  (Tm α  Tm β)
  renameTm s f = tr′ id-app renameKit (f , s)

  renameCoerceTm :  {α β γ}  Supply β  (α →ᴺ β)  β  γ  (Tm α  Tm γ)
  renameCoerceTm s f β⊆γ = tr′ id-app (coerceKit ∘-Kit renameKit) ((f , s) , β⊆γ)

  renameTm? :  {α β}  Supply β  (α →ᴺ? β)  Tm α →? Tm β
  renameTm? = renameTmA Maybe.applicative

  exportTm? :  {b α}  Supply α  Tm (b  α) →? Tm α
  exportTm? s = renameTm? s exportᴺ?

  closeTm? :  {α}  Tm α →? Tm ø
  closeTm? = renameTm? (0 ˢ) (const nothing)

  substTm :  {α β}  Supply β  (Name α  Tm β)  Tm α  Tm β
  substTm s f = tr id-app (substKit V coerceTm) (f , s)

  substTmø :  {α}  (Name α  Tm ø)  Tm α  Tm ø
  substTmø = substTm (0 ˢ)

module CoerceTmWithCoerceKit where
  open TrKit coerceKit

  tr :  {α β}  α  β  Tm α  Tm β
  tr Δ (V x)       = V (trName Δ x)
  tr Δ (t · u)     = tr Δ t · tr Δ u
  tr Δ (ƛ b t)     = ƛ (trBinder Δ b) (tr (extEnv b Δ) t)
  tr Δ (Let b t u) = Let (trBinder Δ b) (tr Δ t) (tr (extEnv b Δ) u)
  tr _ (` κ)       = ` κ

  coerceTmø : Coerceø Tm Tm
  coerceTmø t = tr ⊆-ø t

module SubstCByHand (envPack : Envs.EnvPack L.zero)
              {Ω} (Φ : Name Ω →? Tm ø) where
  open Envs.EnvPack envPack
  open CoerceTmWithCoerceKit using (coerceTmø)

  open M? L.zero

  substCNm :  {α} (Δ : Env  α Ω)  Name α  Tm α
  substCNm Δ x = maybe′  t  coerceTmø t) (V x) (Φ =<< exportEnv? Δ x)

  substCTm :  {α} (Δ : Env  α Ω)  Tm α  Tm α
  substCTm Δ (V x)        = substCNm Δ x
  substCTm Δ (t · u)      = substCTm Δ t · substCTm Δ u
  substCTm Δ (ƛ b' t)     = ƛ b' (substCTm (Δ , b'  _) t)
  substCTm Δ (Let b' t u) = Let b' (substCTm Δ t) (substCTm (Δ , b'  _) u)
  substCTm _ (` κ)        = ` κ

  substC : Tm Ω  Tm Ω
  substC = substCTm emptyEnv

open TraverseAGen V TraverseTm.tr
  renaming (rename       to renameTm;
            rename?      to renameTm?;
            export?      to exportTm?;
            close?       to closeTm?;
            coerce       to coerceTm;
            coerceˢ      to coerceTmˢ;
            coerceø      to coerceTmø;
            renameCoerce to renameCoerceTm;
            renameA      to renameTmA)

open SubstGen V coerceTm (TraverseTm.tr id-app)
  renaming (subst to substTm;
            substøᴮ to substøᴮTm;
            substC to substCTm;
            substCø to substCøTm;
            substCᴮ to substCᴮTm;
            substCøᴮ to substCøᴮTm;
            openSynAbsᴺ to openSubstTm)

V′ :  b {α}  Tm (b  α)
V′ b = V (nameᴮ b)

V` :  k x {α}  Tm ((k + x) ◅… α)
V` k x = V (name◅… k x)

V₀ = V` 0
V₁ = V` 1
V₂ = V` 2
V₃ = V` 3
V₄ = V` 4
V₅ = V` 5
V₆ = V` 6
V₇ = V` 7
V₈ = V` 8

ƛ` :  {α} (n : )  Tm (n   α)  Tm α
ƛ` n = ƛ (n )

idTm :  {α}  Tm α
idTm = ƛ x Vx
  where x  = 0 
        Vx = V (nameᴮ x)

falseTm :  {α}  Tm α
falseTm = ƛ x (ƛ x Vx)
  where x  = 0 
        Vx = V (nameᴮ x)

trueTm :  {α}  Tm α
trueTm {α} = ƛ` x (ƛ` y (V₁ x))
   where x = 0
         y = 1

apTm :  {α}  Tm α
apTm = ƛ` f (ƛ` x (V₁ f · V₀ x))
  where f = 0
        x = 1

β-red :  {α}  Supply α  Tm α  Tm α
β-red s (ƛ b fct · arg) = substTm s (exportWith arg V) fct
β-red _ t               = t

import      Category.Monad.Partiality.NP as Pa
open        Pa using (_⊥; run_for_steps)
open import Coinduction
module CBVBigStepEval where
  open Envs.CEnvPack (Envs.funCEnv {L.zero})
  open Pa.Workaround

  data Val : Set where
    ƛ : 
      (Δ : Name α  Val)
      (b : Binder)
      (t : Tm (b  α))  Val
    `_ : Cst  Val

  eval :  {α}  Tm α  CEnv Val α  Val ⊥P
  eval (t · u) Δ = eval u Δ >>= λ v 
                   eval t Δ >>= λ w  app w v
    app : Val  Val  Val ⊥P
    app (ƛ Δ b body)  v = later ( eval body (Δ , b  v))
    app (` κ)         v = stuck where postulate stuck : _ ⊥P
  --app (` κ)         v = never

  eval (V x)        Δ  = now (Δ x)
  eval (ƛ b t)      Δ  = now (ƛ Δ b t)
  eval (Let b t u)  Δ  = eval t Δ >>= λ v 
                         eval u (Δ , b  v)
  eval (` κ)        _  = now (` κ)

  eval′ : Tm ø  Val 
  eval′ t =  eval t Nameø-elim ⟧P

data Val : Set where
  ƛ :  b (t : Tm (b  ø))  Val
  `_ : Cst  Val

tmVal : Val  Tm ø
tmVal (ƛ b t) = ƛ b t
tmVal (` κ)   = ` κ

module CBNBigStepRed where
  open Pa.Workaround

  redP : Tm ø  Val ⊥P
  redP (t · u) = redP t >>= app where
    app : Val  Val ⊥P
    app (ƛ b body) = later ( redP (Let b u body))
    app (` κ)      = stuck where postulate stuck : _ ⊥P
  --app (` κ)      = never

  redP (ƛ b t)      = now (ƛ b t)
  redP (Let b t u)  = later ( redP (substøᴮTm b t u))
  redP (` κ)        = now (` κ)
  redP (V x)        = Nameø-elim x

  reduce : Tm ø  Val 
  reduce t =  redP t ⟧P

module CBVBigStepRed where
  open Pa.Workaround

  redP : Tm ø  Val ⊥P
  redP (t · u) = redP t >>= app where
    app : Val  Val ⊥P
    app (ƛ b body) = later ( redP (Let b u body))
    app (` κ)      = stuck where postulate stuck : _ ⊥P

  redP (ƛ b t)      = now (ƛ b t)
  redP (Let b t u)  = redP t >>= λ v  later ( redP (substøᴮTm b (tmVal v) u))
  redP (` κ)        = now (` κ)
  redP (V x)        = Nameø-elim x

  reduce : Tm ø  Val 
  reduce t =  redP t ⟧P

module KAM where -- Krivine Abstract Machine
  open Pa using (now; later)

  Stack = List (Tm ø)

  _★_ : Tm ø  Stack  (Tm ø)
  (t · u)      π        = t  (u  π)                   -- push
  (ƛ b t)      (u  π)  = later ( (substøᴮTm b u t  π)) -- grab
  (Let b t u)  π        = later ( (substøᴮTm b t u  π))
  v            []       = now v
  (` κ)        _        = stuck where postulate stuck : _ 
  (V x)        _        = Nameø-elim x

module FoldTm {R : World  Set}
              (var :  {α}  Name α  R α)
              (app :  {α}  R α  R α  R α)
              (lam :  {α} b  R (b  α)  R α)
              (leT :  {α} b  R α  R (b  α)  R α)
              (cst :  {α}  Cst  R α)
              {Env} (trKit : TrKit Env Name) where
  open TrKit trKit
  ! :  {α β}  Env α β  Tm α  R β
  ! Δ (V x)       = var (trName Δ x)
  ! Δ (t · u)     = app (! Δ t) (! Δ u)
  ! Δ (ƛ b t)     = lam (trBinder Δ b) (! (extEnv b Δ) t)
  ! Δ (Let b t u) = leT (trBinder Δ b) (! Δ t) (! (extEnv b Δ) u)
  ! _ (` κ)       = cst κ

-- Reduce all visible β-redexes, bottom up.
-- This reduce only those already present in the term, hence
-- new redexes may appear as a result of reducing one.
-- As the typecheking tells, this process terminates.
β-reduce-bottom-up :  {α}  Supply α  Tm α  Tm α
β-reduce-bottom-up s₀ = ! (id , s₀)
  open TrKit renameKit
  open SubstEnv using (supply)

  app :  {α}  Supply α  Tm α  Tm α  Tm α
  app s (ƛ b t) u = substTm s (substName u) t
  app _ t       u = t · u

  ! :  {α β}  RenameEnv α β  Tm α  Tm β
  ! Δ (V x)       = V (trName Δ x)
  ! Δ (t · u)     = app (supply Δ) (! Δ t) (! Δ u)
  ! Δ (ƛ b t)     = ƛ _ (! (extEnv b Δ) t)
  ! Δ (Let b t u) = Let _ (! Δ t) (! (extEnv b Δ) u)
  ! _ (` κ)       = ` κ

β-reduce-bottom-upø : Tm ø   {α}  Tm α
β-reduce-bottom-upø t = coerceTmø (β-reduce-bottom-up (0 ˢ) t)

-- Reduce all β-redexes into "Let"s, bottom up.
-- Since this reduction rule does not introduce new β-redexes, this
-- single-pass bottom-up function indeed reduce them all.
-- As the typecheking tells, this process terminates, and does not
-- refresh the input term.
-- While the built-in term coercion is not necessary (see ƛ⇒Let)
-- it enables to strengthen (at no-cost) the type of
-- βlet-reduce-bottom-up on closed terms as its done in
-- βlet-reduce-bottom-upø.
βlet-reduce-bottom-up :  {α β}  α  β  Tm α  Tm β
βlet-reduce-bottom-up ⊆w = ! ⊆w
  where app :  {α}  Tm α  Tm α  Tm α
        app (ƛ b t) u = Let b u t
        app t       u = t · u
        open FoldTm {Tm} V app ƛ Let `_
                    {_⊆_} coerceKit

βlet-reduce-bottom-upø : Tm ø   {α}  Tm α
βlet-reduce-bottom-upø t = βlet-reduce-bottom-up ⊆-ø t

module ƛ⇒Let where
  ⟪_⟫ :  {α}  Tm α  Tm α
   ƛ b t · u  = Let b  u   t 
   V x        = V x
   t · u      =  t  ·  u 
   ƛ b t      = ƛ b  t 
   Let b t u  = Let b  t   u 
   ` κ        = ` κ

module Let⇒ƛ where
  ⟪_⟫ :  {α}  Tm α  Tm α
   Let b t u  = ƛ b  u  ·  t 
   V x        = V x
   t · u      =  t  ·  u 
   ƛ b t      = ƛ b  t 
   ` κ        = ` κ

occurs :  {α}  Name α  Tm α  Bool
occurs x₀ = occ  y  x₀ ==ᴺ y)
     OccEnv  : World  Set
     OccEnv  α = Name α  Bool
     extend  :  {α b}  OccEnv α  OccEnv (b  α)
     extend  = exportWith false

     occ :  {α}  OccEnv α  Tm α  Bool
     occ Γ  (V y)        = Γ y
     occ Γ  (t · u)      = occ Γ t  occ Γ u
     occ Γ  (ƛ _ t)      = occ (extend Γ) t
     occ Γ  (Let _ t u)  = occ Γ t  occ (extend Γ) u
     occ _  (` _)        = false

module FreeVarsWithEnv (env : Envs.EnvPack L.zero) where
  open Envs.EnvPack env

  fv' :  {α β}  Env  α β  Tm α  List (Name β)
  fv' Γ (V x)        = [ [_] , const [] ]′ (lookupEnv Γ x)
  fv' Γ (t · u)      = fv' Γ t ++ fv' Γ u
  fv' Γ (ƛ b t)      = fv' (Γ , b  _) t
  fv' Γ (Let b t u)  = fv' Γ t ++ fv' (Γ , b  _) u
  fv' _ (` _)        = []

  fv :  {α}  Tm α  List (Name α)
  fv = fv' emptyEnv

open FreeVarsWithEnv Envs.dataEnv

module TopDown where
  morphRen :  {α₀ β₀} (ren : RenameEnv α₀ β₀)
               (trans :  {α β}  RenameEnv α β  β₀  β  Tm α  Tm β  Tm β)
              Tm α₀  Tm β₀
  morphRen {_} {β₀} ren₀ trans = ! (ren₀ , ⊆-refl) where
    open TrKit (renameKit+⊆ β₀)
    Env = SubstEnv+⊆ Name β₀
      ! :  {α β}  Env α β  Tm α  Tm β
      ! Δ t = trans ren pf t (!! Δ t) -- lazy semantics is expected
        where open SubstEnv+⊆ Δ

      !! :  {α β}  Env α β  Tm α  Tm β
      !! Δ (V x) = V (trName Δ x)
      !! Δ (ƛ b t) = ƛ _ (! (extEnv b Δ) t)
      !! Δ (t · u) = ! Δ t · ! Δ u
      !! Δ (Let b t u) = Let _ (! Δ t) (! (extEnv b Δ) u)
      !! _ (` κ) = ` κ

  morph :  {α₀ β₀} (s : Supply β₀) (pf : α₀  β₀)
                    (trans :  {α β}  Supply β  β₀  β  Tm α →? Tm β)
                Tm α₀  Tm β₀
  morph s pf trans = morphRen (coerceᴺ pf , s)  s pf t dflt  maybe′ id dflt (trans (SubstEnv.supply s) pf t))

  factor :  {α} (s : Supply α)  (∀ {α}  Tm α  Bool)  Tm α  Tm (Supply.seedᴮ s  α)
  factor s pred = morph (sucˢ s) (Supply.seed⊆ s)
                         _ pf t  if pred t then just (V (coerceᴺ pf (Supply.seedᴺ s))) else nothing)

module BottomUp where
  morphRen :  {α₀ β₀} (ren : RenameEnv α₀ β₀)
               (trans :  {β}  Supply β  β₀  β  Tm β  Tm β)
              Tm α₀  Tm β₀
  morphRen ren trans = TopDown.morphRen ren  ren pf _  trans (SubstEnv.supply ren) pf)

  morph :  {α₀ β₀} (s : Supply β₀) (pf : α₀  β₀)
                    (trans :  {β}  Supply β  β₀  β  Tm β  Tm β)
                   Tm α₀  Tm β₀
  morph s pf = morphRen (coerceᴺ pf , s)

  factor :  {α} (s : Supply α)  (∀ {α}  Tm α  Bool)  Tm α  Tm (Supply.seedᴮ s  α)
  factor s pred = morph (sucˢ s) (Supply.seed⊆ s)  _ pf t  if pred t then V (coerceᴺ pf (Supply.seedᴺ s)) else t)

focusᵂ :  {α}  Path  Tm α  World
focusᵂ (ƛ  p)    (ƛ _ t) = focusᵂ p t
focusᵂ (Let₁  p) (Let _ t _) = focusᵂ p t
focusᵂ (Let₂  p) (Let _ _ t) = focusᵂ p t
focusᵂ (·₁  p)   (t · _) = focusᵂ p t
focusᵂ (·₂  p)   (_ · t) = focusᵂ p t
focusᵂ {α} _ _ = α

focus? : (p : Path)   {α} (t : Tm α)  Maybe (Tm (focusᵂ p t))
focus? []         t           = just t
focus? (ƛ  p)    (ƛ _ t)     = focus? p t
focus? (·₁  p)   (t · _)     = focus? p t
focus? (·₂  p)   (_ · t)     = focus? p t
focus? (Let₁  p) (Let _ t _) = focus? p t
focus? (Let₂  p) (Let _ _ t) = focus? p t
focus? _          _           = nothing

defocus : (p : Path)   {α} (t : Tm α)  Tm (focusᵂ p t)  Tm α
defocus []         _           = id
defocus (ƛ  p)    (ƛ b t)    = ƛ b ∘′ defocus p t
defocus (·₁  p)   (t · u)     = flip _·_ u ∘′ defocus p t
defocus (·₂  p)   (t · u)     = _·_ t ∘′ defocus p u
defocus (Let₁  p) (Let b t u) = (flip (Let b) u) ∘′ defocus p t
defocus (Let₂  p) (Let b t u) = Let b t ∘′ defocus p u
defocus _          t           = const t

module Conv-Tmᴿ⇒Tm where
  record Env α : Set where
    constructor _,_
      trName : String  Name α
      supply : Supply α
    open Supply supply public
  open Env

  extEnv :  {α}  String  (Δ : Env α)  Env (seedᴮ Δ  α)
  extEnv  Δ = trᴺ , sucˢ (supply Δ)
     where trᴺ = λ   if  ==  then seedᴺ Δ else coerceˢ Δ (trName Δ )

  emptyEnv : Env (0   ø)
  emptyEnv = const (0 ) , 1 ˢ

  ! :  {α}  Env α  Tmᴿ  Tm α
  ! Δ (V x) = V (trName Δ x)
  ! Δ (ƛ b t) = ƛ _ (! (extEnv b Δ) t)
  ! Δ (t · u) = ! Δ t · ! Δ u

  convø? : Tmᴿ →? Tm ø
  convø? = closeTm?  ! emptyEnv

  conv? : Tmᴿ →? (∀ {α}  Tm α)
  conv? = map? coerceTmø  convø?

open ParseConv Conv-Tmᴿ⇒Tm.conv? public
  renaming (parseConv? to parseTm?; parseConv to parseTm)

open ParseConv Conv-Tmᴿ⇒Tm.convø? public
  renaming (parseConv? to parseTmø?; parseConv to parseTmø; TmOk to TmøOk)

ShowS : Set
ShowS = String  String

module Printer where
  Pr : Set  Set
  Pr A = A  ShowS

  ``_ : String  ShowS
  (`` s) tail = Data.String._++_ s tail

  parenBase : ShowS  ShowS
  parenBase doc = `` "("  doc  `` ")"

  record PrEnv (α : World) : Set where
    constructor mk
      prName : Pr (Name α)
      fresh  : 
      level  : 

    prBinder : Pr Binder
    prBinder _ = `` "x"  ``(show fresh)

    extend :  {b}  PrEnv (b  α)
    extend {b} = record { prName = exportWith (prBinder b) prName; fresh = suc fresh; level = level }

    withLevel :   PrEnv α
    withLevel x = record { prName = prName; fresh = fresh; level = x }

    top : PrEnv α
    top = withLevel 2

    ap : PrEnv α
    ap = withLevel 1

    atm : PrEnv α
    atm = withLevel 0

  open PrEnv

  emptyPrEnv : PrEnv ø
  emptyPrEnv = record { prName = Nameø-elim; fresh = zero; level = 2 }

  paren :  {α}  (PrEnv α  PrEnv α)  PrEnv α  ShowS  ShowS
  paren f Δ = if  level (f Δ) ≤? level Δ  then id else parenBase

  prTm :  {α} (Δ : PrEnv α)  Pr (Tm α)
  prTm Δ (ƛ b t)     = paren top Δ (`` "λ"  prBinder Δ b  `` ". "  prTm (extend (top Δ)) t)
  prTm Δ (t · u)     = paren ap Δ (prTm (ap Δ) t  `` " "  prTm (atm Δ) u)
  prTm Δ (Let b t u) = `` "let "  prBinder Δ b  `` " = "  prTm (top Δ) t  `` " in "
                                 prTm (extend (top Δ)) u  `` " end"
  prTm Δ (V x)       = prName Δ x
  prTm Δ (` κ)       = ``(showCst κ)

showTmø : Tm ø  String
showTmø t = Printer.prTm Printer.emptyPrEnv t ""