open import Data.Sum
open import Function.NP
open import NomPa.Record

module NomPa.Examples.LocallyClosed (nomPa : NomPa) where
  open NomPa nomPa

  -- Hides the environment argument of a given function over terms.
  module M
    (Tm : Set  World  Set)
    (cst :  {α Cst}  Cst  Tm Cst α)
    (var :  {α Cst}  Name α  Tm Cst α)
    (substTm :  {α Cst}  (Name α  Tm Cst ø)  Tm Cst α  Tm Cst ø)
    (bindTm :  {α A B}  (A  Tm B α)  Tm A α  Tm B α)
    (coerceTmø :  {α Cst}  Tm Cst ø  Tm Cst α)
    (f :  {Cst}  Tm Cst ø  Tm Cst ø)
   transform :  {α Cst}  Tm Cst α  Tm Cst α
   transform = bindTm [ cst , var ]  -- untag constants and free variables
              coerceTmø             -- closed terms inhabit any world
              f                     -- operates on a locally closed term
              substTm (cst  inj₂)  -- tag(₂) the free variables as constants
              bindTm (cst  inj₁)   -- tag(₁) the original constants

  -- Less general
  module M-less-nice
    (Tm : Set  World  Set)
    (cst :  {α Cst}  Cst  Tm Cst α)
    (var :  {α Cst}  Name α  Tm Cst α)
    (substTm :  {α β Cst}  (Name α  Tm Cst β)  Tm Cst α  Tm Cst β)
    (bindTm :  {α A B}  (A  Tm B α)  Tm A α  Tm B α)
    (coerceTm :  {α β Cst}  α  β  Tm Cst α  Tm Cst β)
    (Env : World  World  Set)
    (ε : Env ø ø)
    (f :  {α β Cst}  Env α β  Tm Cst α  Tm Cst β)
   transform :  {α Cst}  Tm Cst α  Tm Cst α
   transform = bindTm [ cst , var ]  -- untag constants and free variables
              coerceTm ⊆-ø          -- closed terms inhabit any world
              f ε                   -- operates on a locally closed term
              substTm (cst  inj₂)  -- tag(₂) the free variables as constants
              bindTm (cst  inj₁)   -- tag(₁) the original constants