open import NomPa.Record
module NomPa.Examples.PTS (nomPa : NomPa) (Sort : Set) where

open import Category.Applicative renaming (module RawApplicative to Applicative; RawApplicative to Applicative)
open import  Data.List using (List; []; _∷_; map)
open import  Data.Bool
open import  Data.Maybe.NP using (Maybe; nothing; just; maybe; maybe′; applicative)
open import  Data.Product using (_×_; _,_ ; proj₁ ; proj₂)
open import  Data.Star using (Star; ε) renaming (_◅_ to _∷_)
open import  Function.NP
open import  Relation.Nullary
open import  Relation.Nullary.Decidable hiding (map)
open import  Relation.Binary hiding (_⇒_)
import       Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as 
open          using (_≡_)
import  Level as L
import       NomPa.Derived
import       NomPa.Traverse

open         NomPa nomPa
open         NomPa.Derived nomPa
open         NomPa.Traverse nomPa

  data Tm α : Set where
    V               :  (x : Name α)  Tm α
    ƛ⟨_∶_⟩_         :  b (τ : Ty α) (t : Tm (b  α))  Tm α
    _·_             :  (t u : Tm α)  Tm α
    Π⟨_∶_⟩_         :  b (σ : Ty α) (τ : Ty (b  α))  Tm{-Ty-} α
    `_              :  (s : Sort)  Tm{-Ty-} α

  Ty : World  Set
  Ty = Tm

infixl 5 _·_
-- infix 2 Π ƛ
-- this triggers an Agda bug in PTS.F
-- syntax Π b σ τ = Π⟨ b ∶ σ ⟩ τ
-- syntax ƛ b σ t = ƛ⟨ b ∶ σ ⟩ t

module TraverseTm {E}   (E-app : Applicative E)
                  {Env} (trKit : TrKit Env (E  Tm)) where

  open Applicative E-app
  open TrKit trKit

  tr :  {α β}  Env α β  Tm α  E (Tm β)
  tr Δ (V x)           = trName Δ x
  tr Δ (t · u)         = pure _·_  tr Δ t  tr Δ u
  tr Δ (ƛ⟨ b  τ  t)  = pure (ƛ⟨_∶_⟩_ _)  tr Δ τ  tr (extEnv b Δ) t
  tr Δ (Π⟨ b  σ  τ) = pure (Π⟨_∶_⟩_ _)  tr Δ σ  tr (extEnv b Δ) τ
  tr Δ (` κ)           = pure $ ` κ

open TraverseAGen V
  renaming (rename       to renameTm;
            rename?      to renameTm?;
            export?      to exportTm?;
            close?       to closeTm?;
            coerce       to coerceTm;
            coerceø      to coerceTmø;
            renameCoerce to renameCoerceTm;
            renameA      to renameTmA)

open SubstGen V coerceTm ( id-app)
  renaming (subst to substTm;
            substøᴮ to substøᴮTm;
            substC to substCTm;
            substCø to substCøTm;
            substCᴮ to substCᴮTm;
            substCøᴮ to substCøᴮTm;
            openSynAbsᴺ to openSubstTm)

-- not used
data Tel α : World  Set where
  ε       : Tel α α
  ⟨_∶_⟩→_ :  {β} b
              (τ : Ty α)
              (Γ : Tel (b  α) β)
             Tel α β

data Cx α : World  Set where
  ε      : Cx α α
  _,,_∶_ :  {β b}
             (Γ : Cx α β)
             (b# : b # β)
             (τ : Ty β)
            Cx α (b  β)

module Lookup where
  open Applicative {} applicative
  lookup :  {ω α} (x : Name α) (Γ : Cx ω α)  Maybe (Ty α)
  lookup x ε = nothing
  lookup x (Γ ,, b#  τ) = coerceTm (⊆-# b#) <$> (exportWith (just τ)  x'  lookup x' Γ)) x

open Lookup public

impTmWith :  {b α}  b # α  Tm α  Tm (b  α)
impTmWith = coerceTm  ⊆-#

module Member where

 data ⟨_∶_⟩∈_ {ω} :  {α} (x : Name α) (τ : Ty α) (Γ : Cx ω α)  Set where

  here' :  {β b} {x : Name (b  β)} {τ : Ty (b  β)} {b# : b # β} {τ' Γ}
           (x≅b   : x  nameᴮ b)
           (τ≅τ' : τ  impTmWith b# τ')
                    x  τ ⟩∈ (Γ ,, b#  τ')

  there :  {β b} {x : Name (b  β)} {τ : Ty (b  β)} {b# : b # β} {x' τ' σ Γ}
            (expOk : exportᴺ? x  just x'       )
            (τ≅τ' :  τ  impTmWith b# τ'      )
            (x∶τ∈Γ :  x'  τ' ⟩∈ Γ            )
                      x  τ ⟩∈ (Γ ,, b#  σ)

 here :  {ω β b τ} {b# : b # β} {Γ : Cx ω β}
          nameᴮ b  impTmWith b# τ ⟩∈ (Γ ,, b#  τ)
 here = here' .refl .refl

open Member public

_[_≔_] :  {α b}  Tm (b  α)  b # α  Tm α  Tm α
t [ b#  u ] = substTm (_ , b#) (exportWith u V) t

infixr 40 ⟨_∶_⟩⇒_
⟨_∶_⟩⇒_ :  {α} (s : Supply α) (τ σ : Ty α)  Ty α
⟨_∶_⟩⇒_ (b , b#) σ τ = Π⟨ b  σ (coerceTm (⊆-# b#) τ)

module Typing
    (_∶κ_      : (s₁ s₂ : Sort)  Set)
    (⟨_,_,_⟩∈R : (s₁ s₂ s₃ : Sort)  Set)

  infix 2 _⊢_∶_

  data _⊢_∶_ {α} (Γ : Cx ø α) : Tm α  Ty α  Set where

    V :  {x τ}
          (x∈Γ :  x  τ ⟩∈ Γ)
                  Γ  V x  τ

    ƛ⟨_∶_⟩_ :  {b σ τ s t} (b# : b # α)
          (⊢Π : Γ  Π⟨ b  σ  τ  ` s          )
          (⊢t : (Γ ,, b#  σ)  t  τ            )
                 Γ  ƛ⟨ b  σ  t  Π⟨ b  σ  τ

    _·_  :  {b σ τ s t u} {b# : b # α}
             (⊢Π : Γ  Π⟨ b  σ  τ  ` s   )
             (⊢t : Γ  t  Π⟨ b  σ  τ      )
             (⊢u : Γ  u  σ                 )
                    Γ  t · u  τ [ b#  σ ]

    Π :  {b σ τ s₁ s₂ s₃} (b# : b # α)
           (s∈ :  s₁ , s₂ , s₃ ⟩∈R         )
           (⊢σ : Γ  σ            ` s₁    )
           (⊢τ : (Γ ,, b#  σ)  τ  ` s₂  )
                  Γ  Π⟨ b  σ  τ  ` s₃

    `_ :  {s₁ s₂}
           (s₁∶s₂ : s₁ ∶κ s₂        )
                   Γ  ` s₁  ` s₂

  syntax Π b# s∈ ⊢σ ⊢τ = Π⟨ b# ∶ ⊢σ ⟩⟨ s∈ ⟩ ⊢τ
  -- syntax ƛ b σ t = ƛ⟨ b ∶ σ ⟩ t