module NomPa.Implem where

open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Maybe.NP
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as  hiding (subst)
open import Data.List
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Unit using ()
open import Data.Product using (_×_; _,_; uncurry)
open import Data.Bool.Extras using (If′_then_else_; If-map; If-false)
open import Function.NP hiding (_→⟨_⟩_) renaming (_→⟨_⟩₀_ to _→⟨_⟩_)
import Data.Nat.NP as 
open  renaming (_==_ to _==ℕ_)
import Data.Nat.Properties as 
open import Algebra
open import NomPa.Record
open import Function.Equivalence using (Equivalence;_⇔_;equivalence)

import NaPa
import NomPa.Worlds

open NaPa public using (World; _∈_; _∉_; Name; ø; coerceᴺ; ⊆-refl; ⊆-trans; ⊆-ø; _⊆_; _==ᴺ_;
                        ⊆-cong-↑1; ⊆-cong-+1; ⊆-+1↑1; ⊆-↑1-inj; ⊆-+1-inj;
                        ⊆-unctx-+1↑1; ø+1⊆ø; addᴺ; subtractᴺ; cmpᴺ)
open NomPa.Worlds.ListBoolWorlds.Nominal public using (_◅_; b∈b◅; ◅-sem)

module Internals where
  open NaPa public using (_,_; mk; coe; _↑1; _+1) renaming (name to binderᴺ; name∈α to binderᴺ∈α)
  open NomPa.Worlds.ListBoolWorlds public using (toℕ★)

  Binder : Set
  Binder = 

  infix 2 _#_

  nameᴮ :  {α} (b : Binder)  Name (b  α)
  nameᴮ {α} b = b , b∈b◅ b α

  export∈ :  α x y  T (not (x ==ℕ y))  x  y  α  x  α
  export∈ α x y prf = .subst id (.trans (◅-sem _ x y) (If-false prf))

  -- unexported
  safeExport :  {α} (b : Binder) (x : Name (b  α)) {prf : T (not (x ==ᴺ nameᴮ b))}  Name α
  safeExport {α} b (x , x∈b◅α) {prf} = x , export∈ α _ _ prf x∈b◅α

  exportᴺ? :  {b α}  Name (b  α) →? Name α
  exportᴺ? {b} {α} (x , x∈) with x ==ℕ b | export∈ α x b
  ... | true  | _ = nothing
  ... | false | f = just (x , f _ x∈)

  ¬Nameø : ¬ (Name ø)
  ¬Nameø (_ , ())

  zeroᴮ : Binder
  zeroᴮ = zero

  sucᴮ : Binder  Binder
  sucᴮ = suc

  data _#_ : Binder  World  Set where
    _#ø   :  b  b # ø
    suc#∷ :  {bool α b}  (b#α : b # α)  suc b # (bool  α)
    0#_   :  {α}  (0#α : 0 # α)  0 # (α +1)

  _#-Sem_ : Binder  World  Set
  x #-Sem α =  y  y  α  x > y

  -- This syntactic definition is sound and complete for closed worlds
  #⇔#-Sem :  {x α}  (x # α)  (x #-Sem α)
  #⇔#-Sem = equivalence () ( _ _)
    where 0#ø :  {α}  0 # α  (∀ y  y  α)
          0#ø (.0 ) y pf = pf
          0#ø (0# 0#α) zero ()
          0#ø (0# 0#α) (suc y) pf = 0#ø 0#α y pf

          1≰0 : ¬(1  0)
          1≰0 ()

           :  {x α}  x # α  (x #-Sem α)
           (_ ) _ ()
           (suc#∷ {true}  b#α) zero _ = s≤s z≤n
           (suc#∷ {false} b#α) zero ()
           (suc#∷ b#α) (suc y) pf = s≤s ( b#α y pf)
           (0# 0#α) zero ()
           (0# 0#α) (suc y) pf = ⊥-elim (0#ø 0#α y pf)

           :  x α  (x #-Sem α)  x # α
           x       []           _  = x 
           zero    (true   _)  pf = ⊥-elim (1≰0 (pf 0 _))
           zero    (false  α)  pf = 0# ( zero α  y  ≤-pred  .≤-step  pf (suc y)))
           (suc n) (_      α)  pf = suc#∷ ( n α  y  ≤-pred  pf (suc y)))

  suc# :  {α b}  b # α  suc b # (b  α)
  suc# (zero  ) = suc#∷ (zero )
  suc# (suc b ) = suc#∷ (suc# (b ))
  suc# (suc#∷ pf) = suc#∷ (suc# pf)
  suc# (0# pf)    = suc#∷ pf

  _∈_◅′_ : Binder  Binder  World  Set
  x  b ◅′ α = if x ==ℕ b then  else x  α

  ⊆-◅ :  {α β} b  α  β  (b  α)  (b  β)
  ⊆-◅ {α} {β} b (mk α⊆β) = mk pf
    pf′ :  x  x  b ◅′ α  x  b ◅′ β
    pf′ x with x ==ℕ b
    ... | true = id
    ... | false = α⊆β _
    pf :  x  x  b  α  x  b  β
    pf x = .subst id (.sym (◅-sem _ x b))  pf′ x  .subst id (◅-sem _ x b)

  -- The b # β is not used here. It is necessary for the logical relation proof, though.
  ⊆-# :  {α b}  b # α  α  (b  α)
  ⊆-# {α} {b} _ = mk  b′ b′∈α  .subst id (.sym (◅-sem α b′ b)) (If′ ._==_ b′ b then _ else b′∈α))

  ⊆-dist-+1-◅ :  {α} b  (b  α) +1  (sucᴮ b)  (α +1)
  ⊆-dist-+1-◅ _ = ⊆-refl

  ⊆-dist-◅-+1 :  {α} b  (sucᴮ b)  (α +1)  (b  α) +1
  ⊆-dist-◅-+1 _ = ⊆-refl

  binderᴺ∘nameᴮ :  α b  binderᴺ (nameᴮ {α} b)  b
  binderᴺ∘nameᴮ _ _ = .refl

nomPa : NomPa
nomPa = mk World Name Binder _◅_
           zeroᴮ sucᴮ nameᴮ binderᴺ ø ¬Nameø _==ᴺ_  {b}  exportᴺ? {b})
           _#_ _#ø suc# _⊆_ coerceᴺ
           ⊆-refl ⊆-trans ⊆-ø ⊆-◅ ⊆-#
           ⊆-cong-↑1 ⊆-cong-+1 ⊆-+1↑1 ⊆-↑1-inj ⊆-+1-inj ⊆-unctx-+1↑1 ø+1⊆ø
           ⊆-dist-+1-◅ ⊆-dist-◅-+1 binderᴺ∘nameᴮ
           addᴺ subtractᴺ cmpᴺ
  where open Internals