-- The Agda standard library
-- Various forms of induction for natural numbers

module Induction.Nat where

open import Function
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Fin
open import Data.Fin.Props
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Unit
open import Induction
open import Induction.WellFounded as WF
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Unary

-- Ordinary induction

Rec : RecStruct 
Rec P zero    = 
Rec P (suc n) = P n

rec-builder : RecursorBuilder Rec
rec-builder P f zero    = tt
rec-builder P f (suc n) = f n (rec-builder P f n)

rec : Recursor Rec
rec = build rec-builder

-- Complete induction

CRec : RecStruct 
CRec P zero    = 
CRec P (suc n) = P n × CRec P n

cRec-builder : RecursorBuilder CRec
cRec-builder P f zero    = tt
cRec-builder P f (suc n) = f n ih , ih
  where ih = cRec-builder P f n

cRec : Recursor CRec
cRec = build cRec-builder

-- Complete induction based on _<′_

<-Rec : RecStruct 
<-Rec = WfRec _<′_


  <-well-founded : Well-founded _<′_
  <-well-founded n = acc (<-well-founded′ n)

  <-well-founded′ :  n  <-Rec (Acc _<′_) n
  <-well-founded′ zero     _ ()
  <-well-founded′ (suc n) .n ≤′-refl       = <-well-founded n
  <-well-founded′ (suc n)  m (≤′-step m<n) = <-well-founded′ n m m<n

open WF.All <-well-founded public
  renaming ( wfRec-builder to <-rec-builder
           ; wfRec to <-rec

-- Complete induction based on _≺_

≺-Rec : RecStruct 
≺-Rec = WfRec _≺_

≺-well-founded : Well-founded _≺_
≺-well-founded = Subrelation.well-founded ≺⇒<′ <-well-founded

open WF.All ≺-well-founded public
  renaming ( wfRec-builder to ≺-rec-builder
           ; wfRec to ≺-rec

-- Examples


 module Examples where

  -- The half function.

  half₁ :   
  half₁ = cRec _ λ
    { zero          _                 zero
    ; (suc zero)    _                 zero
    ; (suc (suc n)) (_ , half₁n , _)  suc half₁n

  half₂ :   
  half₂ = <-rec _ λ
    { zero          _    zero
    ; (suc zero)    _    zero
    ; (suc (suc n)) rec  suc (rec n (≤′-step ≤′-refl))