module NotSoFresh.SetList where

import Algebra as Alg
import Algebra.Structures as Alg
open import NotSoFresh.Base
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Nat as 
import      Data.Nat.Properties as 
open import Data.List hiding (any)
open import Data.List.Any as Any
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open Any.Membership-≡
open ≡-Reasoning
open import Data.Product
open import Function using (_∘_;_∶_)
open import Function.Equivalence using (_⇔_;equivalent;id;module Equivalent)
open import Function.Equality using (_⟨$⟩_) renaming (_∘_ to _∘FE_)
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable

_≟ℕ_ : Decidable {A = } _≡_
_≟ℕ_ = ._≟_

memℕ :  (x : ) (xs : List )  Dec (x  xs)
memℕ x xs = any (_≟ℕ_ x) xs

infixr 5 _⊞_
_⊞_ :   List   List 
x  xs with memℕ x xs
... | yes x∈xs = xs
... | no  x∉xs = x  xs

n∈n⊞α :  {n} α  n  n  α
n∈n⊞α {n} α with memℕ n α
... | yes n∈α = n∈α
... | no  n∉α = here refl

α≡n⊞β→n∈α :  {n α} β  α  n  β  n  α
α≡n⊞β→n∈α β refl = n∈n⊞α β

n∈α→α≡n⊞α :  {α n}  n  α  α  n  α
n∈α→α≡n⊞α {α} {n} n∈α with memℕ n α
... | yes _   = refl
... | no  n∉α = ⊥-elim (n∉α n∈α)

n∉α→n∷α≡n⊞α :  {α n}  n  α  n  α  n  α
n∉α→n∷α≡n⊞α {α} {n} n∉α with memℕ n α
... | yes n∈α = ⊥-elim (n∉α n∈α)
... | no   _  = refl

n∈m⊞α⇔n∈α :  {m n α}  n  m  n  m  α  n  α
n∈m⊞α⇔n∈α {m} {n} {α} n≢m with memℕ m α
... | yes m∈α = id
... | no  m∉α = equivalent (Any.tail n≢m) there

y∈x⊞α⇔y∈x∷α :  {x y α}  (y  x  α)  (y  x  α)
y∈x⊞α⇔y∈x∷α {x} {y} {α} with memℕ x α
... | yes x∈α = equivalent there rl
    rl :  {y}  y  x  α  y  α
    rl (here refl) = x∈α
    rl (there y∈α) = y∈α
... | no  _ = id

α⊆β→x∷α⊆x∷β :  {A : Set} {x : A} {α β : List A}  α  β  x  α  x  β
α⊆β→x∷α⊆x∷β α⊆β (here refl) = here refl
α⊆β→x∷α⊆x∷β α⊆β (there y∈α) = there (α⊆β y∈α)

α⊆β→x⊞α⊆x⊞β :  {x α β}  α  β  x  α  x  β
α⊆β→x⊞α⊆x⊞β α⊆β η =
  from y∈x⊞α⇔y∈x∷α ⟨$⟩ α⊆β→x∷α⊆x∷β α⊆β (to y∈x⊞α⇔y∈x∷α ⟨$⟩ η)
  where open Equivalent

a∉[] :  {A : Set} {a : A}  a  []
a∉[] ()

[]≢a⊞α :  a α  []  a  α
[]≢a⊞α a α []≡a⊞α with memℕ a α
[]≢a⊞α _ .[] refl | yes a∈[] = a∉[] a∈[]
[]≢a⊞α _ _ ()   | no _

suc-inj :  {n m : }  suc n  suc m  n  m
suc-inj refl = refl

data _≢ℕ_ :     Set where
  z≢s :  {n}  zero ≢ℕ suc n
  s≢z :  {n}  suc n ≢ℕ zero
  s≢s :  {m n}  m ≢ℕ n  suc m ≢ℕ suc n

≢ℕ-sound :  {m n}  m ≢ℕ n  m  n
≢ℕ-sound z≢s = λ()
≢ℕ-sound s≢z = λ()
≢ℕ-sound (s≢s y) = ≢ℕ-sound y  suc-inj

≢ℕ-complete :  {m n}  m  n  m ≢ℕ n
≢ℕ-complete {zero} {zero} p   = ⊥-elim (p refl)
≢ℕ-complete {zero} {suc n} p  = z≢s
≢ℕ-complete {suc m} {zero} p  = s≢z
≢ℕ-complete {suc m} {suc n} p = s≢s (≢ℕ-complete (p  cong suc))

≢ℕ-uniq :  {m n} (p q : m ≢ℕ n)  p  q
≢ℕ-uniq z≢s z≢s = refl
≢ℕ-uniq s≢z s≢z = refl
≢ℕ-uniq (s≢s p) (s≢s q) rewrite ≢ℕ-uniq p q = refl

infix 4 _∈'_

data _∈'_ :   List   Set where
  here :  {x xs}  x ∈' x  xs
  there :  {x y xs} (x≢y : x ≢ℕ y) (x∈'xs : x ∈' xs)  x ∈' y  xs

∈'-sound :  {x xs}  x ∈' xs  x  xs
∈'-sound here = here refl
∈'-sound (there x≢y x∈'xs) = there (∈'-sound x∈'xs)

∈'-complete :  {x xs}  x  xs  x ∈' xs
∈'-complete (here refl) = here
∈'-complete {x} {y  xs}  (there pxs) with x ≟ℕ y
∈'-complete {x} {.x  xs} (there pxs)
    | yes refl = here
... | no  x≢ℕy = there (≢ℕ-complete x≢ℕy) (∈'-complete pxs)

via-∈ :  {x xs y ys}  (x  xs  y  ys)  x ∈' xs  y ∈' ys 
via-∈ f = ∈'-complete  f  ∈'-sound

-- not used
there∈'-inj₁ :  {x y xs} {x≢y x≢y' : x ≢ℕ y} {px px' : x ∈' xs}
                (x ∈' y  xs  there x≢y px)  there x≢y' px'  x≢y  x≢y'
there∈'-inj₁ refl = refl

-- not used
there∈'-inj₂ :  {x y xs} {x≢y x≢y' : x ≢ℕ y} {px px' : x ∈' xs}
                (x ∈' y  xs  there x≢y px)  there x≢y' px'  px  px'
there∈'-inj₂ refl = refl

∈'-uniq :  {a α} (p q : a ∈' α)  p  q
∈'-uniq here here = refl
∈'-uniq here (there x≢y _) = ⊥-elim (≢ℕ-sound x≢y refl)
∈'-uniq (there x≢y _) here = ⊥-elim (≢ℕ-sound x≢y refl)
∈'-uniq (there x≢y pxs) (there x≢y' pxs') =
  cong₂ there (≢ℕ-uniq x≢y x≢y') (∈'-uniq pxs pxs')

n∈'n⊞α :  {n} α  n ∈' n  α
n∈'n⊞α {n} α = ∈'-complete (n∈n⊞α {n} α)

α≡n⊞β→n∈'α :  {n α} β  α  n  β  n ∈' α
α≡n⊞β→n∈'α β refl = n∈'n⊞α β

n∈'α→α≡n⊞α :  {α n}  n ∈' α  α  n  α
n∈'α→α≡n⊞α {α} {n} n∈'α = n∈α→α≡n⊞α (∈'-sound n∈'α)

n∈'m⊞α⇔n∈'α :  {m n α}  n  m  n ∈' m  α  n ∈' α
n∈'m⊞α⇔n∈'α {m} {n} {α} n≢m with memℕ m α
... | yes m∈α = id
... | no  m∉α = equivalent (via-∈ (Any.tail n≢m)) (there (≢ℕ-complete n≢m))

y∈'x⊞α⇔y∈'x∷α :  {x y α}  (y ∈' x  α)  (y ∈' x  α)
y∈'x⊞α⇔y∈'x∷α {x} {y} {α} with memℕ x α
... | yes x∈α = equivalent (via-∈ there) rl
    rl :  {y}  y ∈' x  α  y ∈' α
    rl here = ∈'-complete x∈α
    rl (there _ y∈'α) = y∈'α
... | no  _ = id

a∉'[] :  {n : }  ¬ (n ∈' [])
a∉'[] ()

import Data.List.Properties as List

len-disc :  {A : Set} {xs ys : List A}  length xs  length ys  xs  ys
len-disc {A} {[]} {[]} ineq eq = ineq refl
len-disc {A} {[]} {x  xs} ineq ()
len-disc {A} {x  xs} {[]} ineq ()
len-disc {A} {x  xs} {x'  xs'} ineq eq
   = len-disc (ineq  cong suc)
              (proj₂ (List.∷-injective eq))

xs≢x∷xs :  {A : Set} {x : A} {xs : List A}  xs  x  xs
xs≢x∷xs {A} {x} {xs} = len-disc helper
    open Alg.CommutativeSemiring .commutativeSemiring using (+-identity)
    helper :  {n}  n  suc n
    helper {n} eq = .m≢1+m+n n
      (begin n     ≡⟨ eq 
             suc n ≡⟨ cong suc ( sym ((proj₂ +-identity) n)) 
             suc (n + 0)

a⊞α≡b∷α→a≡b :  {a b α}  a  α  b  α  a  b 
a⊞α≡b∷α→a≡b {a} {b} {α} eq with memℕ a α
... | yes a∈α = ⊥-elim (xs≢x∷xs eq)
... | no  a∉α = proj₁ (List.∷-injective eq)