Index of values

(!*) [Signatures.MISC]
A shortcut to force lazy value (See ).
(&) [Signatures.MISC]
The right associative application.
(++) [Signatures.PLUGIN]
tags++tag Add the given tag to the given set of tags.
(++) [Signatures.TAGS.Operators]
(+++) [Signatures.PLUGIN]
tags+++optional_tag Add the given optional tag to the given set of tags if the given option is Some.
(+++) [Signatures.TAGS.Operators]
(--) [Signatures.PLUGIN]
tags--tag Remove the given tag to the given set of tags.
(--) [Signatures.TAGS.Operators]
(---) [Signatures.PLUGIN]
tags---optional_tag Remove the given optional tag to the given set of tags if the given option is Some.
(---) [Signatures.TAGS.Operators]
(-.-) [Signatures.PLUGIN]
path-.-extension Add the given extension to the given pathname.
(-.-) [Signatures.PATHNAME.Operators]
(/) [Signatures.PLUGIN]
path1/path2 Join the given path names.
(/) [Signatures.PATHNAME.Operators]
(@:=) [Signatures.MISC]
r @:= l is equivalent to r := !r @ l
(|>) [Signatures.MISC]
The reversed application combinator.

add [Flags]
add_dependency [Resource.Cache]
add_extension [Signatures.PATHNAME]
after [Signatures.STRING]
after s n returns the substring of all characters of s that follow position n (including the character at position n).
annotate [Signatures.ARCH]
append [Std_signatures.LIST]
assoc [Std_signatures.LIST]
assq [Std_signatures.LIST]
at_exit_once [My_unix]
atomize [Signatures.COMMAND]
Will convert a string list to a list of atoms by adding A constructors.
atomize_paths [Signatures.COMMAND]
Will convert a string list to a list of paths by adding P constructors.

basename [Signatures.PATHNAME]
before [Signatures.STRING]
before s n returns the substring of all characters of s that precede position n (excluding the character at position n).
bindir [Ocamlbuild_where]
blank_sep_strings [Lexers]
blit [Std_signatures.STRING]
build_deps_of_tags [Rule]
build_dir [Signatures.OPTIONS]
byte_compile_ocaml_implem [Ocaml_compiler]
byte_compile_ocaml_interf [Ocaml_compiler]
byte_debug_library_link [Ocaml_compiler]
byte_debug_library_link_mllib [Ocaml_compiler]
byte_debug_library_link_modules [Ocaml_compiler]
byte_debug_link [Ocaml_compiler]
byte_debug_pack_mlpack [Ocaml_compiler]
byte_debug_pack_modules [Ocaml_compiler]
byte_library_link [Ocaml_compiler]
byte_library_link_mllib [Ocaml_compiler]
byte_library_link_modules [Ocaml_compiler]
byte_link [Ocaml_compiler]
byte_pack_mlpack [Ocaml_compiler]
byte_pack_modules [Ocaml_compiler]
byte_toplevel_link_mltop [Ocaml_compiler]
byte_toplevel_link_modules [Ocaml_compiler]

call [Rule]
call_hook [Hooks]
caml_transitive_closure [Ocaml_dependencies.Make]
caml_transitive_closure takes a list of root ocaml compiled files and returns the list of files that must be given to a linker.
can_produce [Rule]
capitalize [Std_signatures.STRING]
catch_errors [Signatures.OPTIONS]
channel [My_std.Digest]
chdir [Shell]
check [Hygiene]
check ~sanitize laws entry will scan the directory tree entry for violation to the given laws.
check_extension [Signatures.PATHNAME]
chmod [Rule.Common_commands]
chmod [Signatures.PLUGIN]
The Unix chmod command (almost deprecated).
chomp [Signatures.STRING]
classic_display [Log]
Turn it to true to have a classic display of commands.
clean [Resource.Cache]
clean [Resource]
clean_up_links [Resource]
clear_resource_failed [Resource.Cache]
cmi_of [Ocaml_utils]
cmp [Rule.Common_commands]
cmp [Signatures.PLUGIN]
The Unix cmp command (almost deprecated).
colon_sep_strings [Lexers]
combine [Std_signatures.LIST]
comma_or_blank_sep_strings [Lexers]
comma_sep_strings [Lexers]
compare [Rule]
compare [Resource]
compare [Signatures.PATHNAME]
compare [Std_signatures.STRING]
compare [Signatures.OrderedTypePrintable]
concat [Signatures.PATHNAME]
concat [Std_signatures.STRING]
concat [Std_signatures.LIST]
conf_lines [Lexers]
contains [Std_signatures.STRING]
contains_from [Std_signatures.STRING]
contains_string [Signatures.STRING]
contains_string s1 p2 s2 Search in s1 starting from p1 if it contains the s2 string.
copy [Signatures.PATHNAME]
copy [Std_signatures.STRING]
copy_chan [Signatures.MISC]
copy_file [Signatures.MISC]
copy_rule [Rule]
copy_rule name ?insert source destination
copy_rule [Signatures.PLUGIN]
copy_rule name ?insert source destination
cp [Rule.Common_commands]
cp [Shell]
cp [Signatures.PLUGIN]
The Unix cp command.
cp_p [Rule.Common_commands]
create [Display]
create [Std_signatures.STRING]
current_dir_name [Signatures.PATHNAME]

define_context [Signatures.PATHNAME]
dep [Command]
dep tags deps Will build deps when tags will be activated.
dep [Signatures.PLUGIN]
dep tags deps Will build deps when all tags will be activated.
dependencies [Resource.Cache]
deps_of_rule [Rule]
deps_of_tags [Command]
digest [Resource]
digest [Command]
Digest the given command.
dir [Signatures.ARCH]
dir_pack [Signatures.ARCH]
dirname [Signatures.PATHNAME]
discard_printf [Discard_printf]
dispatch [Signatures.PLUGIN]
dispatch hook_handler Is the entry point for ocamlbuild plugins.
display [Display]
document_ocaml_implem [Ocaml_tools]
document_ocaml_interf [Ocaml_tools]
document_ocaml_project [Ocaml_tools]
does_match [Signatures.TAGS]
dprintf [Display]
dprintf [Signatures.LOG]
dprintf level fmt args... formats the logging information fmt with the arguments args... on the logging output if the logging level is greater than or equal to level.
dump_parallel_stats [Command]
For system use only

entry [Options]
eprintf [Signatures.LOG]
Equivalent to calling dprintf with a level < 0.
eq_sub_strings [Signatures.STRING]
equal [Signatures.PATHNAME]
escaped [Std_signatures.STRING]
eval [Bool]
eval g f evaluates the boolean formula f using the values returned by g for the atoms.
eval [Signatures.GLOB]
eval g u returns true if and only if the string u matches the given glob expression.
event [Display]
event [Log]
See .
exclude_dirs [Signatures.OPTIONS]
execute [Signatures.COMMAND]
Run the command.
execute_many [Signatures.COMMAND]
Run the commands in the given list, if possible in parallel.
execute_many [My_unix]
See Ocamlbuild_executor.execute
execute_plugin_if_needed [Plugin]
exists [Signatures.PATHNAME]
exists [Std_signatures.LIST]
exists2 [Std_signatures.LIST]
exists_in_build_dir [Resource]
exists_in_source_dir [Resource]
expand_module [Ocaml_utils]
expand_module [Signatures.PLUGIN]
expand_module include_dirs module_name extensions Example: expand_module ["a";"b";"c"] "Foo" ["cmo";"cmi"] = ["a/foo.cmo"; "a/Foo.cmo"; "a/foo.cmi"; "a/Foo.cmi"; "b/foo.cmo"; "b/Foo.cmo"; "b/foo.cmi"; "b/Foo.cmi"; "c/foo.cmo"; "c/Foo.cmo"; "c/foo.cmi"; "c/Foo.cmi"]
explode [Signatures.STRING]
ext_dll [Signatures.OPTIONS]
ext_lib [Signatures.OPTIONS]
ext_obj [Signatures.OPTIONS]
external_is_up_to_date [Resource.Cache]

fast_pattern_of_pattern [Glob]
fast_sort [Std_signatures.LIST]
file [Signatures.ARCH]
file [My_std.Digest]
filename_concat [My_std]
fill [Std_signatures.STRING]
filter [Slurp]
filter f entry only retains from entry the nodes for which f path name returns true.
filter [Std_signatures.LIST]
filter_opt [Signatures.LIST]
find [Std_signatures.LIST]
find [Signatures.SET]
find_all [Std_signatures.LIST]
finish [Display]
first_chars [Signatures.STRING]
first_chars s n returns the first n characters of s.
flag [Flags]
flag [Signatures.PLUGIN]
flag tags command_spec Will inject the given piece of command (command_spec) when all tags will be activated.
flag_and_dep [Ocaml_utils]
flag_and_dep [Signatures.PLUGIN]
flag_and_dep tags command_spec Combines flag and dep function.
flags_of_filename [Configuration]
Return the set of flags that apply to a given filename under the current configuration.
flags_of_pathname [Tools]
flatten [Std_signatures.LIST]
fold [Slurp]
fold f entry x iterates f over the entries and an accumulator initially containing x; at each iteration, f gets the current value of the accumulator and returns its new value.
fold_dependencies [Ocaml_dependencies.INPUT]
fold_dependencies [Resource.Cache]
fold_info [Signatures.ARCH]
fold_left [Std_signatures.LIST]
fold_left2 [Std_signatures.LIST]
fold_libraries [Ocaml_dependencies.INPUT]
fold_packages [Ocaml_dependencies.INPUT]
fold_pathnames [Command]
fold_right [Std_signatures.LIST]
fold_right2 [Std_signatures.LIST]
for_all [Std_signatures.LIST]
for_all2 [Std_signatures.LIST]
force [Slurp]
Force the evaluation of the whole entry.
forpack_flags [Ocaml_compiler]
forpack_flags_of_pathname [Ocaml_arch]

get [Digest_cache]
get [Std_signatures.STRING]
get_extension [Signatures.PATHNAME]
get_extensions [Signatures.PATHNAME]
get_flags [Flags]
get_optional_resource_suspension [Resource.Cache]
get_rules [Rule]
getenv [Signatures.MISC]
gettimeofday [My_unix]
good [Signatures.OUTCOME]

has_tag [Configuration]
hd [Std_signatures.LIST]
hide_package_contents [Ocaml_compiler]
hide_package_contents pack_name Don't treat the given package as an open package.
hide_package_contents [Signatures.PLUGIN]
hide_package_contents pack_name Don't treat the given package as an open package.
hygiene [Signatures.OPTIONS]

ignore_auto [Signatures.OPTIONS]
ignore_good [Signatures.OUTCOME]
ignore_list [Signatures.OPTIONS]
ignore_stdlib [Ocaml_utils]
implem [My_unix]
implode [Signatures.STRING]
import [Resource]
import_in_build_dir [Resource.Cache]
import_pattern [Resource]
in_build_dir [Resource]
in_source_dir [Resource]
include_dirs [Signatures.OPTIONS]
include_dirs_of [Signatures.PATHNAME]
index [Std_signatures.STRING]
index_from [Std_signatures.STRING]
infer_interface [Ocaml_tools]
info_libraries [Ocaml_utils]
init [Digest_cache]
init [Ocaml_specific]
init [Options]
input [My_std.Digest]
inspect [Fda]
invalid_arg' [My_std]
is_degraded [My_unix]
is_directory [Signatures.PATHNAME]
is_implicit [Signatures.PATHNAME]
is_link [Shell]
is_link [Signatures.PATHNAME]
is_link [My_unix]
is_prefix [Signatures.PATHNAME]
is_prefix [Signatures.STRING]
is_prefix u v is u a prefix of v ?
is_relative [Signatures.PATHNAME]
is_simple_filename [Shell]
is_suffix [Signatures.STRING]
iter [Bool]
iter g f calls g over every atom of f.
iter [Std_signatures.STRING]
iter [Std_signatures.LIST]
iter2 [Std_signatures.LIST]
iter_include_dirs [Signatures.ARCH]
iter_info [Signatures.ARCH]
iter_tags [Command]

jobs [Command]
Maximum number of parallel jobs.
just_plugin [Signatures.OPTIONS]

ksbprintf [My_std]

last_chars [Signatures.STRING]
last_chars s n returns the last n characters of s.
length [Std_signatures.STRING]
length [Std_signatures.LIST]
level [Signatures.LOG]
Current logging (debugging) level.
libdir [Ocamlbuild_where]
libraries_of [Ocaml_utils]
link_gen [Ocaml_compiler]
link_modules [Ocaml_compiler]
link_to_dir [Pathname]
ln_f [Rule.Common_commands]
ln_f [Signatures.PLUGIN]
The Unix ln -f command.
ln_s [Rule.Common_commands]
ln_s [Signatures.PLUGIN]
The Unix ln -s command.
lowercase [Std_signatures.STRING]
lstat [My_unix]

main [Main]
make [Std_signatures.STRING]
make_links [Signatures.OPTIONS]
map [Bool]
map g f replaces every atom of f by its image by g.
map [Slurp]
map f entries changes the decoration in entries by applying f to them.
map [Std_signatures.LIST]
map [Signatures.SET]
map2 [Std_signatures.LIST]
matchit [Resource]
mem [Std_signatures.LIST]
mem_assoc [Std_signatures.LIST]
mem_assq [Std_signatures.LIST]
memo [Signatures.MISC]
memq [Std_signatures.LIST]
menhir [Ocaml_tools]
menhir_modular [Ocaml_tools]
menhir_modular_ocamldep_command [Ocaml_tools]
menhir_ocamldep_command [Ocaml_tools]
merge [Std_signatures.LIST]
mk [Signatures.PATHNAME]
mk_tables [Signatures.ARCH]
mkdir [Shell]
mkdir_p [Shell]
module_name_of_filename [Ocaml_utils]
module_name_of_pathname [Ocaml_utils]
module_name_of_pathname [Signatures.PLUGIN]
Takes a pathname and returns an OCaml module name.
must_clean [Signatures.OPTIONS]
mv [Rule.Common_commands]
mv [Shell]
mv [Signatures.PLUGIN]
The Unix mv command.

name_of_rule [Rule]
native_compile_ocaml_implem [Ocaml_compiler]
native_library_link [Ocaml_compiler]
native_library_link_mllib [Ocaml_compiler]
native_library_link_modules [Ocaml_compiler]
native_link [Ocaml_compiler]
native_pack_mlpack [Ocaml_compiler]
native_pack_modules [Ocaml_compiler]
native_plugin [Signatures.OPTIONS]
native_profile_library_link [Ocaml_compiler]
native_profile_library_link_mllib [Ocaml_compiler]
native_profile_library_link_modules [Ocaml_compiler]
native_profile_link [Ocaml_compiler]
native_profile_pack_mlpack [Ocaml_compiler]
native_profile_pack_modules [Ocaml_compiler]
non_dependency [Ocaml_utils]
non_dependency [Signatures.PLUGIN]
non_dependency module_path module_name Example: non_dependency "foo/bar/baz" "Goo" Says that the module Baz in the file foo/bar/baz.* does not depend on Goo.
normalize [Pathname]
nostdlib [Signatures.OPTIONS]
nothing_should_be_rebuilt [Signatures.OPTIONS]
nth [Std_signatures.LIST]

ocaml_add_include_flag [Ocaml_utils]
ocaml_cflags [Signatures.OPTIONS]
ocaml_include_flags [Ocaml_utils]
ocaml_lexflags [Signatures.OPTIONS]
ocaml_lflags [Signatures.OPTIONS]
ocaml_lib [Ocaml_utils]
ocaml_lib [Signatures.PLUGIN]
ocaml_lib <options> library_pathname Declare an ocaml library.
ocaml_libs [Signatures.OPTIONS]
ocaml_ppflags [Ocaml_utils]
ocaml_ppflags [Signatures.OPTIONS]
ocaml_yaccflags [Signatures.OPTIONS]
ocamlc [Signatures.OPTIONS]
ocamlc_c [Ocaml_compiler]
ocamlc_link_lib [Ocaml_compiler]
ocamlc_link_prog [Ocaml_compiler]
ocamlc_p [Ocaml_compiler]
ocamldep [Signatures.OPTIONS]
ocamldep_command [Ocaml_tools]
ocamldep_output [Lexers]
ocamldoc [Signatures.OPTIONS]
ocamldoc_c [Ocaml_tools]
ocamldoc_l_dir [Ocaml_tools]
ocamldoc_l_file [Ocaml_tools]
ocamllex [Ocaml_tools]
ocamllex [Signatures.OPTIONS]
ocamlmklib [Ocaml_compiler]
ocamlmklib [Signatures.OPTIONS]
ocamlmktop [Ocaml_compiler]
ocamlmktop [Signatures.OPTIONS]
ocamlopt [Signatures.OPTIONS]
ocamlopt_c [Ocaml_compiler]
ocamlopt_link_lib [Ocaml_compiler]
ocamlopt_link_prog [Ocaml_compiler]
ocamlopt_p [Ocaml_compiler]
ocamlrun [Signatures.OPTIONS]
ocamlyacc [Ocaml_tools]
ocamlyacc [Signatures.OPTIONS]
of_list [Signatures.TAGS]
of_list [Signatures.SET]
of_tag_list [Flags]
of_tags [Flags]
opt_print [Signatures.MISC]
output [My_std.Digest]

pack_modules [Ocaml_compiler]
parent [Signatures.PATHNAME]
is_prefix x y is x a pathname prefix of y
parent_dir_name [Signatures.PATHNAME]
parse [Signatures.GLOB]
parse ~dir pattern will parse the globber pattern pattern, optionally prefixing its patterns with dir.
parse_file [Configuration]
parse_file ?dir fn incorporates the configuration file named fn, prefixing its glob patterns with dir if given.
parse_string [Configuration]
Incorporate a newline-separated configuration string into the current configuration.
partition [Std_signatures.LIST]
path_and_context_of_string [Tools]
path_dependencies_of [Ocaml_utils]
path_scheme [Lexers]
plugin [Signatures.OPTIONS]
pp_l [Tools]
prepare_compile [Ocaml_compiler]
prepare_libs [Ocaml_compiler]
prepare_link [Ocaml_compiler]
pretty_print [Rule]
print [Rule]
print [Resource]
print [Signatures.ARCH]
print [Signatures.COMMAND]
Print a command (the format is not suitable to running the command).
print [Signatures.PATHNAME]
print [Signatures.TAGS]
print [Signatures.STRING]
print [Signatures.LIST]
print [Signatures.OrderedTypePrintable]
print [Signatures.SET]
print_backtrace [Report]
print_backtrace_analyze [Report]
print_cache [Resource.Cache]
print_dependencies [Resource.Cache]
print_env [Resource]
print_include_dirs [Signatures.ARCH]
print_info [Signatures.ARCH]
print_path_list [Signatures.PATHNAME]
print_pattern [Resource]
print_rule_contents [Rule]
print_rule_name [Rule]
print_string_list [Signatures.MISC]
print_table [Signatures.ARCH]
prods_of_rule [Rule]
program_args [Signatures.OPTIONS]
program_to_execute [Signatures.OPTIONS]
put [Digest_cache]
pwd [Signatures.PATHNAME]

quote_filename_if_needed [Shell]

raw_dprintf [Signatures.LOG]
Same as dprintf but without the format wrapping.
rc_build_error [Exit_codes]
rc_circularity [Exit_codes]
rc_executor_excetptional_condition [Exit_codes]
rc_executor_io_error [Exit_codes]
rc_executor_subcommand_failed [Exit_codes]
rc_executor_subcommand_got_signal [Exit_codes]
rc_failure [Exit_codes]
rc_hygiene [Exit_codes]
rc_invalid_argument [Exit_codes]
rc_lexing_error [Exit_codes]
rc_ocamldep_error [Exit_codes]
rc_ok [Exit_codes]
rc_solver_failed [Exit_codes]
rc_system_error [Exit_codes]
rc_usage [Exit_codes]
rcontains_from [Std_signatures.STRING]
read [Signatures.PATHNAME]
read_file [Signatures.MISC]
readdir [Signatures.PATHNAME]
readlink [Shell]
readlink [Signatures.PATHNAME]
readlink [My_unix]
recursive [Signatures.OPTIONS]
reduce [Signatures.COMMAND]
Simplify a command by flattening the sequences and resolving the tags into command-line options.
remove [Flags]
remove_assoc [Std_signatures.LIST]
remove_assq [Std_signatures.LIST]
remove_extension [Signatures.PATHNAME]
remove_extensions [Signatures.PATHNAME]
report_error [My_unix]
reset_filesys_cache [My_std]
reset_filesys_cache_for_file [My_std]
reset_readdir_cache [My_std]
resource_built [Resource.Cache]
resource_changed [Resource.Cache]
resource_failed [Resource.Cache]
resource_has_changed [Resource.Cache]
resource_state [Resource.Cache]
resume_resource [Resource.Cache]
resume_suspension [Resource.Cache]
rev [Std_signatures.LIST]
rev [Signatures.STRING]
rev_append [Std_signatures.LIST]
rev_map [Std_signatures.LIST]
rev_map2 [Std_signatures.LIST]
rindex [Std_signatures.STRING]
rindex_from [Std_signatures.STRING]
rm [Shell]
rm_f [Rule.Common_commands]
rm_f [Shell]
rm_f [Signatures.PLUGIN]
The Unix rm -f command.
rm_rf [Shell]
rule [Rule]
rule [Signatures.PLUGIN]
This is the main function for adding a rule to the ocamlbuild engine.
run_and_open [My_unix]
run_and_read [My_unix]

same_contents [Signatures.PATHNAME]
sanitization_script [Signatures.OPTIONS]
sanitize [Signatures.OPTIONS]
sbprintf [My_std]
search_in_path [Signatures.COMMAND]
Search the given command in the command path and return its absolute pathname.
set [Std_signatures.STRING]
setup_hooks [Hooks]
setup_virtual_command_solver [Signatures.COMMAND]
setup_virtual_command_solver virtual_command solver the given solver can raise Not_found if it fails to find a valid command for this virtual command.
show_documentation [Signatures.OPTIONS]
show_tags [Signatures.OPTIONS]
slurp [Slurp]
Recursively scan the filesystem starting at the given directory.
solve [Solver]
solve_target [Solver]
sort [Std_signatures.LIST]
space_sep_strings [Lexers]
split [Std_signatures.LIST]
stable_sort [Std_signatures.LIST]
stat [My_unix]
stdlib_dir [Ocaml_utils]
stdout_isatty [My_unix]
string [My_std.Digest]
string_list_of_file [Ocaml_utils]
string_list_of_file [Signatures.PLUGIN]
Reads the given file, parse it has list of words separated by blanks.
string_of_command_spec [Signatures.COMMAND]
Build a string representation of a command that can be passed to the system calls.
string_target_and_tags_of_command_spec [Command]
sub [Std_signatures.STRING]
subst [Rule]
subst [Resource]
subst [Signatures.STRING]
subst patt repl text
subst_any [Resource]
subst_pattern [Resource]
substring [My_std.Digest]
suspend_resource [Resource.Cache]
sys_command [My_std]
sys_file_exists [My_std]
sys_readdir [My_std]
sys_remove [My_std]

tag_any [Configuration]
tag_any tag_list Tag anything with all given tags.
tag_any [Signatures.PLUGIN]
tag_any tag_list Tag anything with all given tags.
tag_file [Configuration]
tag_file filename tag_list Tag the given filename with all given tags.
tag_file [Signatures.PLUGIN]
tag_file filename tag_list Tag the given filename with all given tags.
tag_handler [Command]
Hook here the function that maps a set of tags to appropriate command options.
tag_lines [Signatures.OPTIONS]
tags [Signatures.OPTIONS]
tags_of_filename [Configuration]
Return the set of tags that apply to a given filename under the current configuration.
tags_of_pathname [Tools]
tags_of_pathname [Signatures.PLUGIN]
Returns the set of tags that applies to the given pathname.
targets [Signatures.OPTIONS]
the [Signatures.MISC]
tl [Std_signatures.LIST]
to_hex [My_std.Digest]
to_spec [Flags]
to_string [Signatures.COMMAND]
Convert a command to a string (same format as print).
to_string [Signatures.PATHNAME]
token [Glob_lexer]
tr [Signatures.STRING]
tr patt repl text
try_mkdir [Shell]

uncapitalize [Std_signatures.STRING]
union [Signatures.LIST]
unsafe_blit [Std_signatures.STRING]
unsafe_fill [Std_signatures.STRING]
unsafe_get [Std_signatures.STRING]
unsafe_set [Std_signatures.STRING]
update [Display]
update_extension [Signatures.PATHNAME]
update_extensions [Signatures.PATHNAME]
uppercase [Std_signatures.STRING]
use_lib [Ocaml_utils]
use_lib [Signatures.PLUGIN]
use_lib module_path lib_path
use_menhir [Signatures.OPTIONS]

with_input_file [Signatures.MISC]
with_output_file [Signatures.MISC]
with_temp_file [Signatures.MISC]
wrap [Signatures.OUTCOME]