open import Category.Applicative renaming (module RawApplicative to Applicative; RawApplicative to Applicative)
open import Data.Maybe.NP as Maybe
open import Data.List
open import Data.Nat.NP as Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc; _+_)
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Product.Extras
open import Data.Atom
open import Data.String using (String)
open import Function.NP
open import NomPa.Record
import Category.Monad.Partiality.NP as Pa
open Pa using (_⊥; run_for_steps)
open import Coinduction
import NomPa.Derived
import NomPa.Traverse
import NomPa.Examples.LC
module NomPa.Examples.LocallyNamed (nomPa : NomPa) where
open NomPa nomPa
open NomPa.Derived nomPa
open NomPa.Traverse nomPa
module LCᴺ = NomPa.Examples.LC nomPa Atom (const "<atom>")
open LCᴺ using (V; _·_; ƛ; Let; `_) renaming (Tm to Tmᴺ)
AbsPreTm = SynAbsᴺ PreTm
data PreTm α : Set where
Vᴺ : (x : Name α) → PreTm α
Vᴬ : (x : Atom) → PreTm α
_·_ : (t u : PreTm α) → PreTm α
ƛ : (t : AbsPreTm α) → PreTm α
Let : (t : PreTm α) (u : AbsPreTm α) → PreTm α
Tm : Set
Tm = PreTm ø
AbsTm : Set
AbsTm = AbsPreTm ø
module TraversePreTm {E} (E-app : Applicative E)
{Env} (trKit : TrKit Env (E ∘ PreTm))
(trAtm : ∀ {α β} → Env α β → Atom → E (PreTm β)) where
open Applicative E-app
open TrKit trKit
tr : ∀ {α β} → Env α β → PreTm α → E (PreTm β)
tr Δ (Vᴬ x) = trAtm Δ x
tr Δ (Vᴺ x) = trName Δ x
tr Δ (t · u) = pure _·_ ⊛ tr Δ t ⊛ tr Δ u
tr Δ (ƛ (b , t)) = pure (λ t → ƛ (_ , t)) ⊛ tr (extEnv b Δ) t
tr Δ (Let t (b , u)) = pure (λ t u → Let t (_ , u)) ⊛ tr Δ t ⊛ tr (extEnv b Δ) u
module TraversePreTm′ {E} (E-app : Applicative E)
{Env} (trKit : TrKit Env (E ∘ PreTm)) where
open Applicative E-app
open TraversePreTm E-app trKit (const (pure ∘ Vᴬ)) public
open TraverseAGen Vᴺ TraversePreTm′.tr
renaming (rename to renamePreTm;
rename? to renamePreTm?;
export? to export?PreTm;
close? to closePreTm?;
coerce to coercePreTm;
coerceø to coerceøPreTm;
renameCoerce to renameCoercePreTm;
renameA to renamePreTmA)
open SubstGen Vᴺ coercePreTm (TraversePreTm′.tr id-app)
renaming (subst to substPreTm; openSynAbsᴺ to openSubstTm)
module PreTm⇒Tmᴺ where
⟪_⟫ : ∀ {α} → PreTm α → Tmᴺ α
⟪ Vᴺ x ⟫ = V x
⟪ Vᴬ a ⟫ = ` a
⟪ t · u ⟫ = ⟪ t ⟫ · ⟪ u ⟫
⟪ ƛ (b , t) ⟫ = ƛ b ⟪ t ⟫
⟪ Let t (b , u) ⟫ = Let b ⟪ t ⟫ ⟪ u ⟫
showTm : Tm → String
showTm = LCᴺ.showTmø ∘ PreTm⇒Tmᴺ.⟪_⟫
module Tmᴺ⇒PreTm where
⟪_⟫ : ∀ {α} → Tmᴺ α → PreTm α
⟪ V x ⟫ = Vᴺ x
⟪ t · u ⟫ = ⟪ t ⟫ · ⟪ u ⟫
⟪ ƛ b t ⟫ = ƛ (b , ⟪ t ⟫)
⟪ Let b t u ⟫ = Let ⟪ t ⟫ (b , ⟪ u ⟫)
⟪ ` a ⟫ = Vᴬ a
parseTm? : String →? Tm
parseTm? = map? Tmᴺ⇒PreTm.⟪_⟫ ∘ LCᴺ.parseTmø?
parseTm : ∀ s {s-ok : LCᴺ.TmøOk s} → Tm
parseTm s {s-ok} = Tmᴺ⇒PreTm.⟪_⟫ (LCᴺ.parseTmø s {s-ok})
module FreeVarsPreTm where
fa : ∀ {α} → PreTm α → List Atom
fa (Vᴺ _) = []
fa (Vᴬ x) = [ x ]
fa (fct · arg) = fa fct ++ fa arg
fa (ƛ (_ , t)) = fa t
fa (Let t (_ , u)) = fa t ++ fa u
closeTm : Atom → Tm → AbsTm
closeTm a t = 0 ᴮ , tr (renameEnvˢ 1 , ⊆-refl) t where
β₀ = _
trAtm : ∀ {α β} → SubstEnv+⊆ Name β₀ α β → Atom → PreTm β
trAtm Δ a′ = if a ==ᴬ a′ then Vᴺ (coerceᴺ (SubstEnv+⊆.pf Δ) (0 ᴺ)) else Vᴬ a′
kit = mapKit id Vᴺ (renameKit+⊆ β₀)
tr = id-app kit trAtm
openTm : Atom → AbsTm → Tm
openTm = openSubstTm ∘ Vᴬ
mapAbsTm : Atom → (Tm → Tm) → AbsTm → AbsTm
mapAbsTm s f = closeTm s ∘ f ∘ openTm s
appⁿ : Tm → List Tm → Tm
appⁿ = foldl _·_
ƛ′ : Atom → Tm → Tm
ƛ′ x t = ƛ (closeTm x t)
let′ : Atom → Tm → Tm → Tm
let′ x t u = Let t (closeTm x u)
idᵀ : Tm
idᵀ = ƛ′ x (Vᴬ x)
where x = 0 ᴬ
falseᵀ : Tm
falseᵀ = ƛ′ x (ƛ′ x (Vᴬ x))
where x = 0 ᴬ
trueᵀ : Tm
trueᵀ = ƛ′ x (ƛ′ y (Vᴬ x))
where x = 0 ᴬ
y = 1 ᴬ
apᵀ : Tm
apᵀ = ƛ′ x (ƛ′ y (Vᴬ x · Vᴬ y))
where x = 0 ᴬ
y = 1 ᴬ
Ωᵀ : Tm
Ωᵀ = let′ δ (ƛ′ x (Vᴬ x · Vᴬ x))
(Vᴬ δ · Vᴬ δ)
where δ = 0 ᴬ
x = 1 ᴬ
module Size where
size : (fuel : ℕ) → Tm → ℕ
size (suc n) (Vᴬ _) = 1
size (suc n) (fct · arg) = 1 + size n fct + size n arg
size (suc n) (ƛ abs) = 1 + size n (openTm (0 ᴬ) abs)
size (suc n) (Let t abs) = 1 + size n t + size n (openTm (0 ᴬ) abs)
size (suc n) (Vᴺ x) = Nameø-elim x
size 0 _ = 0
module FreeVarsTm where
fa : (fuel atomSupply : ℕ) → Tm → List Atom
fa (suc n) _ (Vᴺ x) = Nameø-elim x
fa (suc n) _ (Vᴬ x) = [ x ]
fa (suc n) s (fct · arg) = fa n s fct ++ fa n s arg
fa (suc n) s (ƛ abs) = rmᴬ (s ᴬ) (fa n (1 + s) (openTm (s ᴬ) abs))
fa (suc n) s (Let t abs) = fa n s t ++ rmᴬ (s ᴬ) (fa n (1 + s) (openTm (s ᴬ) abs))
fa 0 _ _ = []
substTm : (fuel atomSupply : ℕ) → (Atom → Tm) → Tm → Tm
substTm fuel s Φ = ! fuel s where
! : (fuel atomSupply : ℕ) → Tm → Tm
! 0 s _ = Vᴬ (s ᴬ)
! (suc n) s tm with tm
... | Vᴬ x = Φ x
... | Vᴺ x = Vᴺ x
... | t · u = ! n s t · ! n s u
... | ƛ abs = ƛ (mapAbsTm (s ᴬ) (! n (1 + s)) abs)
... | Let t abs = Let (! n s t) (mapAbsTm (s ᴬ) (! n (1 + s)) abs)
substAtom : Atom → Tm → (Atom → Tm)
substAtom x t y = if x ==ᴬ y then t else Vᴬ y
β-red : (fuel atomSupply : ℕ) → Tm → Tm
β-red fuel s (ƛ abs · arg) = substTm fuel (suc s) (substAtom (s ᴬ) arg) (openTm (s ᴬ) abs)
β-red _ _ t = t
β-red-openSubst : Tm → Tm
β-red-openSubst (ƛ abs · arg) = openSubstTm arg abs
β-red-openSubst t = t
module KAM where
open Pa using (now; later; never)
Stack = List Tm
_★_ : Tm → Stack → Tm ⊥
(t · u) ★ π = t ★ (u ∷ π)
(ƛ abs) ★ (u ∷ π) = later (♯ (openSubstTm u abs ★ π))
(Let t abs) ★ π = later (♯ (openSubstTm t abs ★ π))
v ★ [] = now v
(Vᴺ x) ★ _ = Nameø-elim x
(Vᴬ x) ★ _ = never