import NotSoFresh.Base
module NotSoFresh.BiDerived (base₁ base₂ : NotSoFresh.Base.Base) where
import Category.Applicative as Cat
import Category.Monad as Cat
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Function
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Nat using ( ℕ ; suc ; zero ) renaming (_≟_ to _≟ℕ_)
open import Data.Maybe
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Sum using ([_,_]′)
open import Data.Star using (_◅_)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable as Dec
open import Relation.Nullary
import NotSoFresh.Derived
open NotSoFresh.Derived base₁
using ()
renaming ( World to World₁
; Name to Name₁
; SynAbs to SynAbs₁
; ø to ø₁
; _↼_ to _↼₁_
; _⇀_ to _⇀₁_
; _★↼_ to _★↼₁_
; IndexøTy to IndexøTy₁
; indexø★↼ to indexø★↼₁
; export↼ to export↼₁
; _|×|_ to _|×|₁_
open NotSoFresh.Derived base₂
using ()
renaming ( World to World₂
; Name to Name₂
; SynAbs to SynAbs₂
; ø to ø₂
; _↼_ to _↼₂_
; _⇀_ to _⇀₂_
; _↼→_ to _↼→₂_
; _★↼_ to _★↼₂_
; IndexøTy to IndexøTy₂
; indexø★↼ to indexø★↼₂
; Import⊆ to Import⊆₂
; Fresh to Fresh₂
; freshø to freshø₂
; _|×|_ to _|×|₂_
; module FreshPack to FreshPack₂
; module StrongPack to StrongPack₂
RelWorld₁₂ = World₁ → World₂ → Set
F₁₂ = (World₁ → Set) × (World₂ → Set)
Name₁₂ : F₁₂
Name₁₂ = (Name₁ , Name₂)
_|×|₁₂_ : ∀ (F G : F₁₂) → F₁₂
F |×|₁₂ G = (λ α → proj₁ F α × proj₁ G α) , (λ α → proj₂ F α × proj₂ G α)
SynAbs₁₂ : ∀ (F : F₁₂) → F₁₂
SynAbs₁₂ F = (SynAbs₁ (proj₁ F) , SynAbs₂ (proj₂ F))
ComposeCommute₁₂ : (_₁↝₁_ : Rel World₁ _) (_₂↝₂_ : Rel World₂ _) (_₁↝₂_ : RelWorld₁₂) → Set
ComposeCommute₁₂ _₁↝₁_ _₂↝₂_ _₁↝₂_
= ∀ {α β γ} → α ₁↝₁ β → β ₁↝₂ γ
→ ∃ λ δ → α ₁↝₂ δ × δ ₂↝₂ γ
Comm₁₂ : (_↝_ : RelWorld₁₂) → Set
Comm₁₂ _↝_ = ComposeCommute₁₂ _⇀₁_ _⇀₂_ _↝_
module αEq (CEnv₁ : World₁ → Set)
(index₁ : IndexøTy₁ CEnv₁)
(CEnv₂ : World₂ → Set)
(index₂ : IndexøTy₂ CEnv₂) where
αeqEnv : (α : World₁) (β : World₂) → Set
αeqEnv α β = CEnv₁ α × CEnv₂ β
αeqTy : (World₁ → Set) → (World₂ → Set) → Set
αeqTy F₁ F₂ = ∀ {α β} → αeqEnv α β → F₁ α → F₂ β → Bool
αeqNameR : αeqTy Name₁ Name₂
αeqNameR (Γ , Δ) x y = ⌊ index₁ Γ x ≟ℕ index₂ Δ y ⌋
module αEqStarEnv where
open αEq (_★↼₁_ ø₁) indexø★↼₁ (_★↼₂_ ø₂) indexø★↼₂
extαeqEnv : ∀ {β β' γ γ'} → αeqEnv β γ → β ↼₁ β' → γ ↼₂ γ'
→ αeqEnv β' γ'
extαeqEnv (Γ , Δ) x y = (x ◅ Γ , y ◅ Δ)
Fresh₂×Name₁→FName₂ : (Set → Set) → RelWorld₁₂
Fresh₂×Name₁→FName₂ F α β = Fresh₂ β × (Name₁ α → F (Name₂ β))
module WithApplicative {F} (appli : Cat.RawApplicative F) where
open Cat.RawApplicative appli
importFun : ∀ {α β γ δ} → β ↼→₂ δ → α ↼₁ γ
→ (Name₁ α → F (Name₂ β))
→ (Name₁ γ → F (Name₂ δ))
importFun β↼→δ α↼γ f bγ
with export↼₁ α↼γ bγ
... | just aα = importWith β↼→δ <$> f aα
where open StrongPack₂
... | nothing = pure (nameOf β↼→δ)
where open StrongPack₂
Fresh₂×Name₁→FName₂-Comm₁₂ : Comm₁₂ (Fresh₂×Name₁→FName₂ F)
Fresh₂×Name₁→FName₂-Comm₁₂ x (y , f)
= (_ , (nextOf y , importFun (strongOf y) x f) , weakOf y)
where open FreshPack₂
Traverse : (_↝_ : RelWorld₁₂) (M : Set → Set) (F : F₁₂) → Set
Traverse _↝_ M F = ∀ {α β} → α ↝ β → proj₁ F α → M (proj₂ F β)
module Traversable {_↝_ M}
(appli : Cat.RawApplicative M)
(comm : Comm₁₂ _↝_)
open Cat.RawApplicative appli
Tr : F₁₂ → Set
Tr x = Traverse _↝_ M x
×-traverse : ∀ {G H} → Tr G → Tr H → Tr (G |×|₁₂ H)
×-traverse traverseG traverseH Γ (x , y) =
traverseG Γ x ⊗ traverseH Γ y
traverseAbs : ∀ {G} → Tr G → Tr (SynAbs₁₂ G)
traverseAbs traverseG Γ (_ , x , t)
with comm x Γ
... | (_ , Γ' , x') = (λ t' → (_ , x' , t')) <$> traverseG Γ' t
Traverse' : F₁₂ → Set₁
Traverse' F = ∀ {_↝_ M}
(appli : Cat.RawApplicative M)
(comm : Comm₁₂ _↝_)
(traverseName : Traverse _↝_ M Name₁₂)
→ Traverse _↝_ M F
Freshen : F₁₂ → Set₁
Freshen F = ∀ {α β M} → Cat.RawApplicative M → Fresh₂ β
→ (Name₁ α → M (Name₂ β))
→ proj₁ F α → M (proj₂ F β)
freshen : ∀ {F} → Traverse' F → Freshen F
freshen traverseF appli x Γ
= traverseF appli Fresh₂×Name₁→FName₂-Comm₁₂ proj₂ (x , Γ)
where open WithApplicative appli
Close : F₁₂ → Set
Close F = ∀ {α} → proj₁ F α → Maybe (proj₂ F ø₂)
closeGen : ∀ {F} → Freshen F → Close F
closeGen freshenF = freshenF rawIApplicative freshø₂ (const nothing)
where open Cat.RawMonad Data.Maybe.monad
module Substitution where
Fresh₂×Name₁→F : (F : World₂ → Set) (α : World₁) (β : World₂) → Set
Fresh₂×Name₁→F F α β = Fresh₂ β × (Name₁ α → F β)
Subst : (F : World₂ → Set) (G : F₁₂) → Set
Subst F G = ∀ {α β} → (Fresh₂×Name₁→F F α β) → (proj₁ G α → proj₂ G β)
extθ : ∀ {F α β γ δ} → Import⊆₂ F → (varF : ∀ {α} → Name₂ α → F α)
→ (β ↼→₂ δ) → (α ↼₁ γ)
→ (Name₁ α → F β) → (Name₁ γ → F δ)
extθ imp var x y f z with export↼₁ y z
... | just z' = imp (⊆Of x) (f z')
where open StrongPack₂
... | nothing = var (nameOf x)
where open StrongPack₂
commθ : ∀ {F} → Import⊆₂ F → (varF : ∀ {α} → Name₂ α → F α)
→ Comm₁₂ (Fresh₂×Name₁→F F)
commθ imp var x (y , f) = (_ , (nextOf y , f') , weakOf y)
where open FreshPack₂
f' = maybe (imp (⊆Of y) ∘ f) (var (nameOf y)) ∘ export↼₁ x
×-subst : ∀ {F G H} → Subst F G → Subst F H → Subst F (G |×|₁₂ H)
×-subst substG substH θ (x , y) = (substG θ x , substH θ y)
substAbs : ∀ {F G} → Import⊆₂ F → (∀ {α} → Name₂ α → F α)
→ Subst F G → Subst F (SynAbs₁₂ G)
substAbs impF varF substFG θ (_ , x , t)
with commθ impF varF x θ
... | (_ , θ' , x') = (_ , x' , substFG θ' t)