import Level as L
open import Data.List as List
open import Data.Nat.NP
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Unit using (⊤)
open import Data.Maybe.NP
open import Data.String renaming (_==_ to _==ˢ_)
open import Data.Atom
open import Function.NP
import Data.Empty
import Category.Monad.Partiality.NP as Pa
open Pa using (_⊥; run_for_steps; now; later; never)
open import Coinduction
import NomPa.Examples.LN
import NomPa.Examples.LocallyNamed
import NomPa.Examples.LL
import NomPa.Examples.NaPa.LC
import NomPa.Examples.LC
import NomPa.Examples.LC.DbLevels
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as ≡
import NomPa.Derived
import NomPa.Derived.NaPa
module NomPa.Examples.Tests where
open import NomPa.Implem using (nomPa)
open import NomPa.Record
open import NomPa.Examples.Path
open NomPa nomPa
open NomPa.Derived nomPa
open NomPa.Derived.NaPa nomPa
module LN = NomPa.Examples.LN nomPa
module LNom = NomPa.Examples.LocallyNamed nomPa
module LL = NomPa.Examples.LL nomPa
module LCᴰ = NomPa.Examples.NaPa.LC nomPa
module LCᴺ = NomPa.Examples.LC nomPa Data.Empty.⊥ (λ())
open LCᴺ using (ƛ; V; _·_; Let; V₁)
renaming (Tm to Tmᴺ; showTmø to showTmøᴺ; parseTmø to parseTmᴺø;
parseTm to parseTmᴺ;
β-red to β-redᴺ; focus? to focusᴺ?; defocus to defocusᴺ;
TmOk to TmᴺOk; TmøOk to TmøᴺOk)
open LL using (Vᴬ; Vᴺ; ƛ; Let; _·_) renaming (openSubstTm to openSubstTmᴸ)
module LCᴸ = NomPa.Examples.LC.DbLevels nomPa Data.Empty.⊥ (λ()) (λ())
open ≡ using (_≡_)
test₁ : openSubstTmᴸ (Vᴬ (42 ᴬ)) (Vᴺ (0 ᴺ′)) ≡ Vᴬ (42 ᴬ)
test₁ = ≡.refl
test₂ : openSubstTmᴸ (Vᴬ (42 ᴬ)) (ƛ (Vᴺ (1 ᴺ′) · Vᴺ (coerceᴺ (⊆-# (suc# (0 ᴮ #ø))) (0 ᴺ′)))) ≡ ƛ (Vᴺ (0 ᴺ′) · Vᴬ (42 ᴬ))
test₂ = ≡.refl
open LCᴰ renaming (focus? to focusᴰ?; defocus to defocusᴰ)
idᴰ : ∀ {α} → Tmᴰ α
idᴰ = parseTmᴰ "λx.x"
trueᴰ : ∀ {α} → Tmᴰ α
trueᴰ = parseTmᴰ "λx.λ_.x"
falseᴰ : ∀ {α} → Tmᴰ α
falseᴰ = parseTmᴰ "λ_.λx.x"
pairᴰ : ∀ {α} → Tmᴰ α
pairᴰ = parseTmᴰ "λx.λy.λf.f x y"
fstᴰ : ∀ {α} → Tmᴰ α
fstᴰ = parseTmᴰ "λtrue.λp.p true" · trueᴰ
sndᴰ : ∀ {α} → Tmᴰ α
sndᴰ = parseTmᴰ "λfalse.λp.p false" · falseᴰ
uncurryᴰ : ∀ {α} → Tmᴰ α
uncurryᴰ = parseTmᴰ "λtrue.λfalse.λf.λp.f (p true) (p false)" · trueᴰ · falseᴰ
appᴰ : ∀ {α} → Tmᴰ α
appᴰ = parseTmᴰ "λf.λx.f x"
compᴰ : ∀ {α} → Tmᴰ α
compᴰ = parseTmᴰ "λf.λg.λx.f (g x)"
zeroᴰ : ∀ {α} → Tmᴰ α
zeroᴰ = falseᴰ
sucᴰ : ∀ {α} → Tmᴰ α
sucᴰ = parseTmᴰ "λn.λf.λx.n f (f x)"
addᴰ : ∀ {α} → Tmᴰ α
addᴰ = parseTmᴰ "λsuc.λm.m suc" · sucᴰ
multᴰ : ∀ {α} → Tmᴰ α
multᴰ = parseTmᴰ "λzero.λadd.λm.λn.m (add n) zero" · zeroᴰ · addᴰ
_ℕᴰ : ℕ → ∀ {α} → Tmᴰ α
n ℕᴰ = ƛ (ƛ (replicapp n (V (1 ᴺᴰ)) (V (0 ᴺᴰ))))
where replicapp : ∀ {α} → ℕ → Tmᴰ α → Tmᴰ α → Tmᴰ α
replicapp zero t u = u
replicapp (suc n) t u = t · replicapp n t u
2+1ᴰ : ∀ {α} → Tmᴰ α
2+1ᴰ = addᴰ · 2 ℕᴰ · 1 ℕᴰ
2×2ᴰ : ∀ {α} → Tmᴰ α
2×2ᴰ = multᴰ · 2 ℕᴰ · 2 ℕᴰ
3×4ᴰ : ∀ {α} → Tmᴰ α
3×4ᴰ = multᴰ · 3 ℕᴰ · 4 ℕᴰ
module KAMᴰ-tests where
open LCᴰ.KAM using (_★_; Tmø)
runTmℕ_for_steps : Tmø → ℕ → Tmø ⊥
runTmℕ_for_steps t n = run (t ★ (arg (` 1) ∷ arg (` 0) ∷ [])) for n steps
2+1≡3 : runTmℕ 2+1ᴰ for 19 steps ≡ now (` 3)
2+1≡3 = ≡.refl
module AAMᴰ-tests where
open LCᴰ.AAM using (_★_; Tmø)
runTmℕ_for_steps : Tmø → ℕ → Tmø ⊥
runTmℕ_for_steps t n = run (t ★ (arg (` 1) ∷ arg (` 0) ∷ [])) for n steps
2+1≡3 : runTmℕ 2+1ᴰ for 29 steps ≡ now (` 3)
2+1≡3 = ≡.refl
showTmᴰ-tests : showTmᴰ (idᴰ ∷ appᴰ ∷ uncurryᴰ ∷ [])
≡ ("λx0. x0" ∷ "λx0. λx1. x0 x1" ∷
"(λx0. λx1. λx2. λx3. x2 (x3 x0) (x3 x1)) (λx0. λx1. x0) (λx0. λx1. x1)" ∷ [])
showTmᴰ-tests = ≡.refl
test-β-redᴰ : ∀ p {p-ok : PathOk p}
s {s-ok : TmᴰOk s}
(s′ : String) → Set
test-β-redᴰ p {p-ok} s {s-ok} s′ =
let p = parsePath p {p-ok} in
let t = parseTmᴰ s {s-ok} {ø} in
T(showTmᴰ (maybe′ (defocusᴰ p t ∘ β-redᴰ) t $ focusᴰ? p t) ==ˢ s′)
test-β-redᴺ : ∀ s {s-ok : TmøᴺOk s} (s′ : String) → Set
test-β-redᴺ s {s-ok} s′ =
let t = parseTmᴺø s {s-ok} in
T(showTmøᴺ (β-redᴺ (0 ˢ) t) ==ˢ s′)
module β-redᴰ-tests where
t1 : test-β-redᴰ "" "(λx.x x) (λx.x)" "(λx0. x0) (λx0. x0)"
t1 = _
t2 : test-β-redᴰ "λλ" "λy.λz.(λx.y x x z) (λx.x y z)" "λx0. λx1. x0 (λx2. x2 x0 x1) (λx2. x2 x0 x1) x1"
t2 = _
t3 : test-β-redᴰ "λλλ" "λx.λy.λz.(λx.x (λy.λz. x)) y" "λx0. λx1. λx2. x1 (λx3. λx4. x1)"
t3 = _
idᴺ : ∀ {α} → Tmᴺ α
idᴺ = parseTmᴺ "λx.x"
module β-redᴺ-tests where
t1 : test-β-redᴺ "(λx.x x) (λx.x)" "(λx0. x0) (λx0. x0)"
t1 = _
t2 : test-β-redᴺ "(λx.x (λy. x) (λx. x)) (λx.x)" "(λx0. x0) (λx0. λx1. x1) (λx0. x0)"
t2 = _
t3 : T(showTmøᴺ (β-redᴺ (0 ˢ) (ƛ (0 ᴮ) (V (0 ᴺ′) · (ƛ (1 ᴮ) (V₁ 0 {ø})) · idᴺ) · idᴺ))
==ˢ "(λx0. x0) (λx0. λx1. x1) (λx0. x0)")
t3 = _
open LCᴸ
idᴸ : ∀ {α} → Tmᴸ (0 ᴮ) α
idᴸ = parseTmᴸ "λx.x" 0
test-β-redᴸ : ∀ s {s-ok : TmᴸøOk s}
(s′ : String) → Set
test-β-redᴸ s {s-ok} s′ = T(showTmᴸ (β-redᴸ (0 ᴮ #ø) (parseTmᴸø s {s-ok})) ==ˢ s′)
module β-redᴸ-tests where
t1 : test-β-redᴸ "(λx.x (λy. x) (λx. x)) (λx.x)" "(λx0. x0) (λx0. λx1. x1) (λx0. x0)"
t1 = _